Beethoven's "10th" Scherzo "constructed" by Artificial Intelligence

Started by gprengel, Saturday 25 September 2021, 21:45

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In these days news go around that in the coming days Beethoven's tenth symphony allegedly realised bei AI will be performed in Bonn.
Here at the end of this article you can listen to the "Scherzo" - what do you think ? Also compared to what I have done ...

my version:

Beethoven's sketch for Scherzo and Trio:



I certainly prefer your version although you might consider slowing the trio section by 10-15%. Mr Elgammal sums up my feelings pretty well when he writes "one of the music experts on the team said that the A.I. reminded him of an eager music student who practices every day, learns, and becomes better and better". Some passages make quite convincing pastiche but others are completely mundane in a way that Beethoven would never have sanctioned for publication or performance.

Alan Howe

Gareth Vaughan

Sorry. Nor am I. And I am certainly not surprised that matesic finds Gerd's version better than something produced by AI.

Gareth Vaughan

Well, I thought I should at least listen to the 2 versions before grumpily dismissing the whole thing. Having done so I can honestly say that IMHO Gerd's realisation is outstanding and convincingly suggests the continuing musical development one would expect of Beethoven following the 9th symphony - a very impressive piece of work. By contrast the other version is pedestrian in the extreme. Enough said.

Mark Thomas

Alan Howe

'A farrago of nonsense'. 'The white scarf of irredeemable chutzpah'. Just a couple of quotes from DH's diatribe. Can we leave this here, PLEASE? I mean, who cares?