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New Bantock recording

Started by Dylan, Friday 13 August 2010, 15:44

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Only a littl'un - but this is now available from the American symphony Orchestra

Not perhaps a great piece, but pleasing enough, and a welcome addition to the discography.


Is this part of an album released on CD, or is it just a downloadable minibite?


It's taken from a concert the ASO gave earlier this year, which you'll find on their website. They seem to be releasing most of their concerts in MP3 form now.


What a great idea -  I've just downloaded the piece quickly from Amazon and burned it onto disc (I don't like music at the computer unless it's through my CD Walkman headphones) - I really must explore this option further. Thanks for the link!


I found the program note about this, but can't locate the download. Can you provide a link?


I don't either,but unless you want the other pieces,it's probably the best way.
Maybe I could even transfer it to ye olde cassette,then,just for old times sake!


As an ardent lover of all things Bantockian, I thought I'd draw attention to two recent discs of his unnaccompanied choral music that may have slipped through the net:

The latter is particularly important in giving us at last the third 'Choral Symphony' A Pageant of Human Life - in fact this is more of a short choral suite, far removed from the labyrinthine a capella complexities of Atalanta in Calydon and Vanity of Vanities (, but nonetheless valuable to have in such a superb performance. The St Louis disc also presents the first performance of the only surviving (and unpublished) movement of Bantock's aborted Walt Whitman Choral Symphony, a project he abandoned in order to concentrate on Vanity.

Both discs are very well executed, beautifully presented and thoroughly recommendable.


Just saw these. I skipped over them I'm afraid,mistaking them for the,in my opinion, rather lacklustre, Albany cd. Thanks for drawing my attention to them.