Myaskovsky Symphonies (complete) on Alto

Started by eschiss1, Wednesday 14 August 2019, 05:24

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Indeed, only if Amazon is the one actually making the CDR ("on demand") will they note it's a CDR.


This is marked as a limited edition run... as noted on the back of the box.  IDK what that means...  any thoughts??

Alan Howe

We still don't know whether they're CDs or CD-Rs, so I have now emailed Alto.

Alan Howe

...and Robin at Alto confirms: they are pressed.


John Boyer

Quote from: Alan Howe on Thursday 06 January 2022, 15:12
...and Robin at Alto confirms: they are pressed.

Thank you for the research!  In the end I purchased a used copy of the Warner, but it is good to know that there are other options.

Alan Howe

I have the Warner - shame about the documentation, but...

John Boyer

I've made it through 5 discs of the Warner symphony set.  Nikolai, I hardly knew ya.  You cannot speak of a Myaskovsky style.  He's as conservative as Glazounov in one, as modern (and outside the bounds of this board) as late-20s Prokofieff in another.  This comes as a pleasant surprise.  I guess I didn't know his work as confidently as I thought.

Alan Howe

Spot-on, John. That's Myaskovsky for you!


Wouldn't have him any other way. (Well, I do wish it had been possible for him to develop along the lines of syms.10&13/quartets op.33 nos. 1&2 more- I just read through op.33 #1 (with score I mean) for the first time, and find it assured and amazing.)