Julius Schulhoff piano music

Started by Alan Howe, Monday 02 April 2012, 22:32

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Alan Howe

Genesis are releasing a CD of piano music by Julius Schulhoff (1825-1898), played by Adrian Ruiz:

Mark Thomas



Didn't know he wrote a piano sonata, but have seen some of the other works and am pleased about this disc (and hope to hear it...) Had no idea he was related to Ervin Schulhoff until I read the Records International description (had wondered if he was, and should have looked further...)

Alan Howe

I'm very glad that 4candles in 'The one unsung piano sonata everyone should hear!' thread reminded us all of Julius Schulhoff's compelling 3-movement Piano Sonata - including myself as in the end I never actually bought the CD. But I now have a copy!

The work is an absolute charmer, choc full of memorable melodies, and presents a challenge to any virtuoso. Adrian Ruiz, a pupil of the great Rudolf Serkin and now in his eighties, is be congratulated on having recorded it back in 1982 - forty years ago this year!


I'm glad you like it Alan! It's a fabulous piece and proof that not all music by virtuoso composer-pianists of the time was superficial, vapid and bereft of the worthiness of longevity!
