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Charlotte Sohy 3CD box set

Started by Wheesht, Thursday 03 March 2022, 19:17

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L'Association Elles - women composers has announced their first release on a new label, La boîte à pépites, which is to be devoted to music by women composers. It is a set of 3 CDs with piano, chamber and orchestral music by Charlotte Sohy. International release on 22 April.

Here's the original French wording:


Depuis 2020, l'Association Elles - women composers se donne pour mission de redonner vie à des oeuvres inconnues ou - au mieux - méconnues de compositrices.

La version discographique de La Boîte à Pépites poursuit cette même mission tout en se donnant un nouvel objectif, éditer des monographies : la compositrice est placée au centre du projet, et nous, interprètes, nous mettons collectivement au service de sa musique.

Notre premier opus, consacré à Charlotte Sohy, permettra de découvrir, dans un triple coffret, une grande partie de son oeuvre jusque-là inédite au disque.

Alan Howe

Please could you supply a link to this set?


A link is what I was searching for before posting, but in vain – I got this information through the Palazzetto Bru Zane newsletter.


The set can now be pre-ordered from French suppliers. Here's a machine translation of what Radio France Musique, which is involved in the production, says about the new label and the contents of this particular set – NOT the symphony, apparently, for whatever reason.

QuoteElles Women Composers

"A few years ago, the question of the place of women in the history of music became more and more important in my life as a musician. How could I have gone so many years without playing a woman's work?

Thus was born in 2020 the association Elles Women Composers, whose mission is to bring back to life unknown or - at best - little-known works by women composers. Long hours of reading manuscripts and first editions have enabled us to unearth pieces that we feel are worthy of a place in the repertoire. From this breeding ground sprang the desire, the need to share these pages. This is the genesis of the Festival Un temps pour Elles and of the video channel La Boîte à Pépites. To date, in 2022, the latter has some sixty videos in a wide variety of forms, from animated documentaries to digital advent calendars, a wealth of small formats designed to help everyone discover, in a playful way, the works and lives of these women who have remained in the shadows.
The recording version of La Boîte à Pépites continues this mission while giving itself a new objective, to publish monographs: the composer is placed at the centre of the project and we, the performers, place ourselves collectively at the service of her music. By entrusting the works to multiple artists, I hope to see them gradually become part of the history of music. The choice to dedicate this first volume to Charlotte Sohy is intimately linked to my meeting with the conductor Debora Waldman and with François-Henri Labey. As Charlotte Sohy's grandson, he was able to preserve his grandmother's work through extraordinary dedication and important editing work, thus making it possible to publish the present boxed set. Charlotte Sohy gave life to thirty-five opuses, composed for all musical formations, as attested by this triple disc and its nuggets which, apart from the Triptyque champêtre, had not been recorded until now. - Héloise Luzzari, artistic director

Coffret Charlotte Sohy - Compositrice de la Belle Époque (3CD)

Autour du piano

Marie-Laure Garnier, soprano
David Kadouch, piano
Héloïse Luzzati, violoncelle
Nikola Nikolov, violon
Célia Oneto Bensaid, piano
Xavier Phillips, violoncelle
Marie Vermeulin, piano

Fantaisie op. 3 (1907) pour piano - David Kadouch

Chants de la lande op. 4 (1908) pour mezzo-soprano et piano - Marie-Laure Garnier, Célia Oneto Bensaid

Sonate op. 6 (1909/1910) pour piano - Célia Oneto Bensaid

Octobre op. 23 n° 1 (1931) pour violoncelle et piano - Héloïse Luzzati, Célia Oneto Bensaid

Quatre Pièces romantiques op. 30 (1944) pour piano - Marie Vermeulin

Trio op. 24 (1931) pour violon, violoncelle et piano - Nikola Nikolov, Xavier Phillips, Célia Oneto Bensaid

Autour du quatuor

Quatuor Hermès
Omer Bouchez, Elise Liu, violons
Lou Yung-Hsin Chang, alto
Yan Levionnois, violoncelle
Mathilde Calderini, flûte
Constance Luzzati, harpe

Premier Quatuor op. 25 (1933) pour deux violons, alto et violoncelle - Quatuor Hermès

Deuxième Quatuor op. 33 (1945/1947) pour deux violons, alto et violoncelle - Quatuor Hermès

Triptyque champêtre op. 21 (1925) pour flûte, violon, alto, violoncelle et harpe -  Mathilde Calderini, Omer Bouchez, Lou Yung-Hsin Chang, Yan Levionnois, Constance Luzzati

Autour de l'orchestre

Orchestre national Avignon-Provence
Debora Waldman, direction
Marie Perbost, soprano
Aude Extrémo, mezzo-soprano
Cordelia Palm, violon

Trois Chants nostalgiques op. 7 (1910) pour mezzo-soprano et orchestre - Aude Extrémo

Deux Poèmes chantés op. 17 (1922) pour mezzo-soprano (ou baryton) et orchestre - Aude Extrémo

Thème varié op. 15 bis (1921) pour violon et orchestre - Cordelia Palm

Histoire sentimentale op. 34 (1952) pour orchestre à cordes et percussions Méditations op. 18

Mark Thomas

Thanks, Thomas. I can't say I'm too excited by the prospect and will probably give this set a miss.

Alan Howe

I'd buy the Symphony, but not this.


I was really expecting the Symphony above all, but as the set is available quite cheaply I have been brave or foolhardy and pre-ordered it. I'm going to try and find out if there are any plans for a commercial release of the Symphony too.
And I'm curious as to what else will be released by this new label. I believe I have read the name Rita Strohl in this connection somewhere.


Not out yet, but sample tracks can be heard if one's a member of Amazon music (the 3rd movement (an -initially- very Mendelssohnian-Scherzoish Badinage - which reminds me taken altogether of some of Myaskovsky's lovely quartet scherzos, e.g. from his last two quartets...) of string quartet 1, the 2nd movement of quartet 2, etc.) to give a notion, I see. While I'll give it a go, I know that my tastes are not exactly those of most people here! :)

The 2nd quartet's Andante sounds of its time (1945/7), on the one hand, but very expressively so (if, like me, you enjoy or are even very strongly affected by the quartet slow movements of Prokofiev (it's a bit like Prok. Op.92/ii ...), Myaskovsky, and also Honegger (esp. his 3rd quartet- or maybe even some works by Ravel, even including his quartet. Or- this is the comparison that was trying to come to mind- the slow movements of some of Villa-Lobos' string quartets.) Just to give general areas.
So - not in the main line of Romanticism, no, but quite enjoyable for at least one listener to this forum (without being very dissonant, at least the samples I've heard so far.)

Alan Howe

There's a large overlap, surely?


It's the same set. That jpc says it's two CDs must be an error.


Here are the listed contents as derived from Presto Classical:

Charlotte Sohy: Piano Music

David Kadouch, Marie-Laure Garnier, Célia Oneto Bensaid, Heloïse Luzzati, Marie Vermeulin, Nikola Nikolov, Xavier Phillips (cello)

Release Date: 1st Apr 2022
Catalogue No: BAP01D
Label: La Boîte à Pépites 

Charlotte Sohy: Chamber Music

Quatuor Hermès, Mathilde Calderini, Omer Bouchez, Lou Yung-Hsin Chang, Yan Levionnois, Constance Luzzati

Release Date: 8th Apr 2022
Catalogue No: BAP02D
Label: La Boîte à Pépites 


It would appear that for some unfathomable reason both JPC and Presto have got hold of just two separate CDs of the 3-disc set. Rather than indulge in more, possibly futile, speculation I think I'll wait for my order of the 'coffret' to arrive in a month's time.


At the risk of confirming your 'galloping senility' Wheest, JPC does indeed indicate 3-discs in the Sohy box set they are advertising.  The Senility Prayer:  "Grant me the senility to forget the people I never liked anyway, the good fortune to run into the ones I do, and the eyesight to tell the difference."


My 'senility' remark referred to the concert recording in our Downloads section. When I first checked the JPC link, there were just two discs in it, iirc. As I said, I'll wait for my set to arrive soon.
I may also write to the label and/or the conductor to ask about a recording of the Symphony.