Jaques-Dalcroze music for cello, from TYXart

Started by Sharkkb8, Tuesday 31 May 2022, 02:33

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TYXart (a label new to me) will release an album of multi-movement pieces for cello & piano by Emile Jaques-Dalcroze.  The back of the album cover includes the phrase "World Premiere Recording", but unclear as to whether this refers to one of the 4 pieces, or more than one, or all.

3 Morceaux, Op. 48
Rythmes Délaissés
Suite for Cello & Piano, Op. 9
3 Esquisses for Cello & Piano

Presto blurb:  "Of the most prolific and world-famous composers from Switzerland, none fell into oblivion faster after his death than Emile Jaques-Dalcroze. With the late Romantic Joseph Joachim Raff, born in Lachen (Canton Schwyz), he shares the multitude of compositions in various genres, with his friend Arthur Honegger the multitude of publishers in France, England and Switzerland.  Born as a contemporary of Jean Sibelius five years after Mahler and Hugo Wolf and ten years before Ravel, who influenced him less than the German Romantics, Jaques-Dalcroze developed a distinct personal style at the turn of the 20th century."

June 3 at Amazon USA

June 24 at Presto

June 24 at Amazon UK


....and just noticed that this album is available now, from Apple Music, apparently released 10 days ago.


A quick check suggests no recordings of these works listed in libraries that I can find.