Ida Moberg – 'Tondikt' (Violin Concerto)

Started by Wheesht, Friday 08 July 2022, 14:39

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Ida Georgina Moberg (1859-1947) was a Finnish composer and conductor. She studied composition with Felix Draeseke and wrote a substantial body of works, quite a few of which are sadly lost. One work that has survived is her violin concerto 'Tondikt'. This was given its world premiere in Helsinki in November 2020 by Mirka Malmi and the Wegelius kammarstråkar. Digital score and parts, from the manuscript, are available from the Savo Music Society, where the YT link for the concert can also be found. 

Alan Howe


I am surprised that nobody has commented on this beautiful and, I think, sensitively played Violin Concerto.

Is it really the work of an 83-year old? Even if it was written years ealier, it does seem to capture many of the emotions and reflections that wartime would have brought, yet is still consistently life-affirming.

Thanks for drawing attention to it, Alan.