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Raff opera premieres

Started by Mark Thomas, Saturday 13 August 2022, 15:48

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Will tell you this after listening to the October broadcast :-)

Mark Thomas

That's fair, but I don't think that Die Eifersüchtigen is for Raff enthusiasts only. As Adriano has written, much of the music is lovely and I'm sure will make rewarding listening but as a stage work it is obviously flawed. Clearly Samson impressed Germany's critics, which is surely a very encouraging sign? 

Alan Howe

I'll certainly want to hear the recording.

Mark Thomas

Die Eifersüchtigen: A recent Facebook post by the Zurich Opera Collective seems to confirm that that the recording made this weekend of the final pair of peformances will be generally available: "If you missed us, you can look forward to a live recording that will be available soon."

Alan Howe

That's encouraging. Please keep us informed if you can, Mark.


I've seen micriphones in place: Hope they will record both performances and edit them into a mix (or do some post-performance corrections), since in the show I've attended there were a few shaky moments in the singer's and the orchestra's "being togheter". :-)

Mark Thomas

Both Zurich performances were recorded live, and also there were some non-audience "takes" to correct errors either by the performers or in the recording, so it should be the best that could be achieved.

Alan Howe

So will this be an 'in-house' recording or is a particular label involved?

Mark Thomas

I have absolutely no idea. I know the sound engineer, and when we last spoke he didn't know to what use the recording would be put, but the Opera Collective's recent Facebook post implies that it will be made available to the public. If I find out anymore, I'll post it, of course.

Alan Howe

Here's a taste of the tenor who sang Samson in Weimar, Peter Sonn (here in Die Walküre):

He's robust and has an attractive timbre, but a rather slow vibrato lower down. Impressive, but not world-class.

And here's the soprano, Emma Moore, who sang Delilah - a big, rather over-vibrant voice:

Of course, we might all have wanted the world's best for such a 'big sing', but they clearly did a fine job.

Mark Thomas

Returning to Die Eifersüchtigen, I'm told that the recording sessions were successful and that editing is now underway. Certainly, judging from the Overture, which I've just heard, the recording quality seems to be first rate.

Alan Howe


Don't forget tonight on Deutschlandfunk Kultur:

19:05 Uhr
Nationaltheater Weimar
Aufzeichnung vom 11.09.2022

Uraufführung nach 170 Jahren

Joachim Raff
Musikdrama in drei Abteilungen auf ein Libretto des Komponisten

Samson – Peter Sonn, Tenor
Oberpriester des Dagon – Avtandil Kaspeli, Bass
Abimelech – Uwe Schenker-Primus, Bariton
Delilah – Emma Moore, Sopran
Gefangenenwärter – Jörn Eichler, Tenor
Micha – Taejun Sun, Tenor
Oberpriesterin der Astarte – Sayaka Shigeshima, Mezzosopran
Frau aus dem Volke – Franziska Löber, Sopran

Opernchor des Deutschen Nationaltheaters
Extrachor aus Studierenden der Hochschule für Musik Franz Liszt
Staatskapelle Weimar
Leitung: Dominik Beykirch

Alan Howe

Thnaks, Adriano. Is anyone able to record this, please?


I certainly will be, but won't uploading it in here.
But suppose other members will too.
To members I have already corresponded privately or know me, I will send a download link - in case no one else will upload.