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Records International 2/11 :)

Started by eschiss1, Tuesday 01 February 2011, 07:16

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already posted their catalog- though it's only, I believe, mid-evening of the first day of the month? (and that's in New Zealand. Only 2am, here East Coast USA.)
some good releases this month- some that were announced here some while ago (like the Jadassohn trios on Toccata Classics, Ernst violin music from the same label, the d'Erlanger/Cliffe and Spohr 8/10 on Hyperion, the Foroni opera on Sterling, Lyapunov, Rosza's overture and Karlowicz on Naxos, and Enna's symphony and Enescu piano quartets on cpo), etc.  A new volume of Spohr quartets - my favorite genre with him - on Marco Polo intrigues, too, and the Marxsen piano music CD on cpo has some interest for historical reasons at the least... have at least read about him a number of times!

I'm interested to see my suspicion confirmed that the Naxos CD of Weinberg's solo cello sonatas 2-4 is in fact the same recording as the Olympia 1998 disc of the same music with the same performer- good stuff.