Edward German Symphony No.2 "The Norwich"

Started by Alan Howe, Sunday 26 March 2023, 20:19

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Alan Howe

I note that in his review of the reissue of Andrew Penny's recording of German's 2nd Symphony on Naxos at MusicWeb that Gary Higginson says: <<To me, this is the finest British symphony before Elgar.>>

An interesting opinion, I thought, so I dug out my copy of John Wilson's recording on Dutton and I must say it's a very fine work in an idiom which certainly has certain pre-echoes of Elgar (it dates from 1893). Whether's it's superior to the best of Stanford, Parry or Cliffe (or Cowen, Sullivan, etc.) I couldn't say, but it's a view that has one thinking...

Mark Thomas

It's years since I listened to either of German's symphonies, I must give them a spin in the next few days. Thanks for the reminder, Alan.


The only lasting impression it has made on me (like most symphonies) is the Andante. Very atmospheric and an indication of German at his most musically mature stage.

I wish he wrote more in this vain because it is absolutely gorgeous. In my opinion it has a slightly "American" sound in the vain of Hadley or Chadwick, with an emphasis on the woodwinds and a constantly spiraling melody of the strings in the background. Another work that would be a great pairing on a concert program with a more well known piece.

Alan Howe