Anton Rubinstein string quartets volume 2

Started by eschiss1, Saturday 22 April 2023, 18:07

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Rubinstein quartets vol.2 will be issued by cpo on Tuesday 24 April, and consists of string quartets op. 17 nos.2&3 (no.3 in F major - the others in the set are in G major and C minor - may be, I think, a first recording. Op.17 No.1 was recorded once, op.17 no.2 has been recorded one and a quarter (the slow movement separately, on acoustic, a century ago) times at least?...)

John Boyer

It will be nice to finally have Op. 17, #3 to fill out the first two from the Etcetera recording.

John Boyer

Having gone through it twice, I can give this a hearty recommendation to anyone who enjoyed the first volume or likes straightforward 19th century quartets. The Op. 17 #2 is a known quantity, but is given a fine performance here; the third quartet makes its commercial debut. It is chock-full of good tunes from beginning to end, with an exuberant finale, making for an enjoyable listening experience.

Anyway, it was good enough for me.

Mark Thomas