Rubinstein Preludes & Fugues

Started by John Boyer, Saturday 01 April 2023, 13:45

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John Boyer

Mark Thomas

Welcome, but I do hope that Cousin adopts sprightlier tempi than he did for his previous Rubinstein Preludes and Etudes CD.

John Boyer

Quote from: Mark Thomas on Saturday 01 April 2023, 14:58Welcome, but I do hope that Cousin adopts sprightlier tempi than he did for his previous Rubinstein Preludes and Etudes CD.

Alas, it appears, based on timings, that the answer is "no".

Three Pieces, Op. 71:

Cousin: 18'20"
Grasso: 14'18"

A full four minutes is enough time for Grasso to play an encore. 

Mark Thomas

Oh dear. Maybe I'll pass on this then, although I can't find an alternative for the Op.53 set, unfortunately. Thanks, John.

John Boyer

So far so good with this release.  The Op. 71 pieces survive the slower tempos, while the Preludes & Fugues show a very different side to Rubinstein, a sort of homage to Bach.