Antoni Kątski Grande sinfonie héroïque Op.220 (etc.)

Started by Alan Howe, Friday 04 August 2023, 22:24

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Mark Thomas


Just noticed that the second movement of the Grande sinfonie héroïque is subtitled "Dominum salvum face' Alexandrum II um Imperatorum toti Russiae" (Make Safe [our] Master Alexander II Emperor of All Russia"...oh dear! Probably not the most popular sentiment in Poland then or now.

(And his Piano Trio, Op. 201, on the same disk is subtitled "à Sa Majesté Leopold le Roi de Belges" - I do hope this is Leopold I not II!)

I do love the music though...


Apparently it's from 1853, so definitely Leopold I (unless the dedication is from the date of publication and that date is much later). Leopold II The Genocidal ascended the throne only in 1865.