Gernsheim String Quartet No.5 Op.83 & String Quintet Op.89

Started by Alan Howe, Thursday 17 August 2023, 11:40

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Weird. Link name promises quartet no.2 (because vol.2 means quartet 2, of course!), description promises- and this was announced on the quartet's website some time ago, btw, - quartet 5 and string quintet no.2 (the latter only published recently, I believe, and only premiered fairly recently too.
Looking forward to. Thanks!

Alan Howe

Yes, weird indeed. The details of the link don't match the contents of the CD.


Well, small detail. The announcement years ago on their website does match, matter more. I've only heard the 5th quartet in Matesic's 1-man-band performance, and this quintet not at all that I remember, and again am glad. That leaves quartets 2 and 4 - and if one's lucky string quintet no.1 and the late string trio, and maybe other string chamber works, though I suppose none of that was strictly speaking promised- for later in the series.

Alan Howe

Alan Howe

The String Quintet is quite a piece. It certainly revels in chromaticism throughout, but it'd be wrong to suggest kinship with, say, Reger as Gernsheim remains a man of his generation, i.e. that of Brahms. That said, it is fascinating to hear him still exploring the bounds of possibilities within his own (classical) tradition. In short, this is yet more evidence of a master-composer at work whose music belongs firmly in the concert hall for all to enjoy. A real find.


While continuing to write within the language of his generation, Gernsheim didn't ossify; the late String Trio and the tone poem Zu einem Drama demonstrate his willingness and ability to explore new (for him, at least) forms. This recording is an absolute must-have for me; Gernsheim's chamber music is second to none.

p.s. coincidentally typing this as my train passes through Worms, Gernsheim's place of birth.