More Bruch and Herzogenberg from cpo

Started by Mark Thomas, Wednesday 06 May 2009, 07:39

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Mark Thomas

Later this month cpo will be releasing Bruch's Oratorio Arminius in a two CD set and continue their Herzogenberg-fest with the first of three CDs covering his string quarrtets. This one has the String Quartet No.5 coupled with the early Piano Quintet. Two must-buys in my book as everything is a recording premiere I think.

Alan Howe

I agree: two must-buys from cpo. However, the Piano Quintet by Herzogenberg has already been done - on the EDA label, coupled with Brahms' Op.34.

Anyone happen to know when we might get more Herzogenberg String Quartets from CPO?


Alan Howe

Thanks, Alan. I am proper cast down by the lack of news. Especially when I see that next month EMI, once a legendary recording company with a distinguished history, is about to issue a whole host of multi-CD sets with titles like '50 Best Wedding', '50 Best Violin', '50 Best Hymns', '50 Best Tango', '50 Best Beethoven'......

Who buys this kind of thing? I've been irritated and despondent all day ever since trawling through next month's releases and being greeted by rubbish such as this. Possibly a wayward and undiscriminating lap-dancing club in Lancashire might pick a couple of sets out of the sales bins, but no-one else surely? Is it quite beyond the comprehension of record companies to work out that folk might actually chase after recordings of previously unsung music, rather than buy this sort of stuff?

Enough of growls and grunts. I shall wait some more for Herzogenberg. Just hope my ears last until then. In the meantime, ya-boo to EMI and hip hip hooray for the likes of CPO even if they take their time with the Herzogenberg (and Raff) quartets.


Alan Howe

Actually, it's about time cpo came up with their 2011 catalogue. I do check regularly to see whether it's available, so I'll try to keep the forum up date. Unless anyone gets there before me, that is...