Théodore Thurner (1833-1907) Piano Concerto missing/duplicated pages

Started by Darrel Hoffman, Monday 26 February 2024, 21:55

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Darrel Hoffman

I'm attempting to transcribe a piano concerto by French composer Théodore Thurner.  There is a manuscript available on IMSLP:

However, I've run into an error - in Section 2, page 55 is missing.  In its place is a copy of page 35.  (I gather someone misread the page number, the handwriting can be a problem.)  Then later on in Section 4, page 35 comes up a third time in place of page 135 - that's less excusable - and an odd coincidence that the same erroneous page is used twice in addition to its appearance where it belongs between 34 and 36...

I wonder if anyone knows where I could find another source without this problem?  And maybe where I could find his first 2 concerti as well?  I can only infer their existence based on this one being labeled as the third.

Darrel Hoffman

Indeed, the missing pages are there, thank you.  Anyone know how one would go about getting it corrected on IMSLP?  Not that I absolutely need to, but when I see errors, I like to correct them when I can...

Alan Howe


Thanks for bringing this to our attention.  I have uploaded corrected files to IMSLP.

Alan Howe

Darrel Hoffman

Thank you both, that was surprisingly quick work.  Expect a simulated recording of this on my YouTube channel in maybe a month or so (there's a few other things going up first), I'll post an update here when it's finished.

Incidentally, I notice that IMSLP also features MIDI recordings of some pieces, I suppose I could upload them there as well, though I imagine those don't get quite as much publicity as YouTube.

Alan Howe

Just to blow our own trumpet here for a moment: there is an extraordinarily wide range of expertise among our members. It's amazing how often they respond to questions posed or offer solutions to problems encountered.

Thanks to all of you!


Darrel Hoffman

So I interpret that as basically, MIDI is barely acceptable, and mostly provided that no better recordings are available.  Since the works I'm doing are deliberately obscure ones for which I was unable to find recordings, I believe this criterion is met.

As for the level of quality, that's obviously subjective, but I haven't yet received any negative feedback.  (Other than pointing out that a real recording had been posted a week before my submission in the case of the Herz #5.  These take a while, sometimes I'll get scooped.)

I also wouldn't post a recording of an incomplete orchestration, as I did with the Borgstrom (though I've got the full version of that queued up for the near future.  I do think IMSLP should have the full score up there since it's available, but I'm not sure if there are legal reasons why this can't be done?)

I'll think about it, but I still think the YouTube posts will get far more attention.


One can also(?) use |NCRecordings= to link to external N(on)C(ommercial)Recordings.

Darrel Hoffman

Well it took me way longer than expected, but I have now posted my rendition of the Thurner concerto:


Is there any bio. info about this composer? I can't even find a wiki entry except a passing ref. as the dedicatee of one of Cécile_Chaminade's composition


There is a lecture (in French) about his life and work by one Charles Vincens from 1906 in 'Mémoires de l'Académie des sciences, belles-lettres et arts de Marseille' that can be accessed via Gallica at the French National Library.


Oooh, I adore pieces that have the brass go "pavillion(s) en l'air". (p.83 of the Thurner ,  also happens toward the end of the first movement development of Nicolai Myaskovsky's symphony no.11 in B-flat minor.)