Beethoven PC4 > Reinecke PC3 > Röntgen PC2?

Started by Alan Howe, Saturday 15 June 2024, 22:49

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Alan Howe

Has anyone noticed the chain of influences in the opening bars of these three piano concertos?
Or is it me?


I think Ignaz Brüll's PC No. 2 can also be included here.

Alan Howe

Yes, that's a very good point. I'd forgotten about that. Quite right.

Gareth Vaughan

I hadn't noticed - but well-spotted and highlighted. Most interesting. Thanks, Alan. I am now listening to all these PCs again - and with great pleasure.


I always thought that the opening of Saint-Saëns 2nd PC must've been inspired by Beethoven's 4th, even if it is G minor instead of major and then veers off into a totally different direction.

Alan Howe

Brüll's PC2 certainly belongs in this category; and Saint-Saëns' PC2 is a close cousin, I agree, with perhaps Pierné's PC following close behind; as is the inevitable Rachmaninov PC2