Reinecke Symphony No.2/Overtures

Started by Alan Howe, Saturday 29 June 2024, 12:36

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Alan Howe


Volume 2, I assume, after their fine disk of symphonies 1 & 3!

Alan Howe

Indeed. This is a must-buy - and not only for the Symphony.

Mark Thomas

It'll be good to widen the available Reinecke orchestral repertoire.


Anyone know why this thread has been Pinned? Just sincerely curious- thanks!

Mark Thomas

I think it must have been a slip of the mouse, Eric. It's no longer sticky...

Alan Howe

Hope it wasn't me! Thanks for your vigilance, Mark.


This very welcome, of course, but I wonder how it compares to what I thought was an excellent version on Chandos.

Alan Howe

Judging by the cpo recording of Symphonies 1 and 3, the Munich orchestra might be a factor in the new recording's favour - then there's the valuable couplings, of course.