A Supposedly Lost Goedicke Piano Trio Live Performance

Started by tuatara442442, Sunday 07 July 2024, 02:29

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Did anyone have a presumably deleted youtube upload of a live performance of Goedicke's G Minor piano trio?
Edition Silvertrust utilized a live performance as soundbites on their webpage selling the score, and I observed that they always use some audio from the internet opensources as soundbites if there's no commercially recorded performance.

And a few weeks ago I saw someone mentioning years ago on youtube about the existence a performance video

Or maybe the title of the video is Russian? I tried that to no avail. Perhaps just like that first movement of the Svetlanov Violin Sonata, I typed in the right keywords but the result just didn't show up?

Theodore S.

I remember the videos, but I can't find them either :( The musicians were either Chinese or Korean, but they were students at the Moscow Conservatory.

For now, this might be your best option: https://vk.com/video243248949_171845845. It's only the first movement, but the performance is quite good, even though the recording quality isn't great.

I'll keep looking for those videos, though.


Thank you again, Theodore. At least this one sounds palpably better! The other one is remote and murky.

here's another performance of Mov IV, and definitely not the one that had been on youtube

the mov III of the performance above, incorrectly labelled as mov II. The video begins after the first 3 notes are played