Reinecke Piano Concertos: Callaghan/Hyperion

Started by FBerwald, Monday 22 February 2021, 19:03

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Mark Thomas

It can also be heard on YouTube here, for those like me who are curious but don't want to duplicate the full concertos in their collections.

Alan Howe

I don't care about this, to be honest. And I don't think this is a patch on the much better recorded cpo set anyway. But others may disagree...

Mark Thomas

I do agree and that's why I was happy to have the opportunity to hear the extra track on YouTube. Curiosity satisfied.

Alan Howe

Yes, it's good to hear this alternative ending. However, the problem remains with this new recording: the orchestra simply isn't good enough. So: I personally would stick with cpo for the Reinecke and Danacord for the Sauer.

Mark Thomas


Quote from: Gareth Vaughan on Sunday 10 March 2024, 12:34I don't think so - at least, I certainly hope not. It is worth remembering that the Reinecke disks were scheduled for recording a while before Hyperion sold out to Universal. I will try to contact Simon Perry soon by telephone (if I can) and have a chat with him.
Simon Callaghan too might be able to tell me if he has been contracted to record any more for the RPC series.

Hi Gareth, have you got any more news on whether the RPC series will continue? Simon Callaghan, replied to me on facebook that although he doesn't know, they are all waiting to see what happens next. 

Gareth Vaughan

That's about it, I'm afraid. No more news. We just have to wait and see. I haven't been able to contact Simon Perry because I haven't been able to get through to Hyperion: the new Universal number just goes to an answering machine. Typical, useless and unsurprising. But I shall keep trying.

Alan Howe

I feel pessimistic about Hyperion's future, I have to admit.

Gareth Vaughan

Nil desperandum, Alan. It's not over until the fat lady sings, even though we can maybe hear her warming up in her dressing room.