Czerny Études (don't be put off!)

Started by 4candles, Tuesday 16 July 2024, 16:24

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Like many, I'm sure, I have only recently come to appreciate Czerny's compositional gift, particularly when talking about his piano music. In my younger years I loathed mention of Czerny because of the dearth of creativity and anything interesting to say that I immaturely 'perceived' in his studies.

Well, just today, my ears and eyes have been opened by a live recital of 24 selected 'Etudes' by the composer, performed by one of the UK's best young pianists, Tyler Hay.

In a clever little move, sadly not more widely practised, Hay chose not to reveal the composer until just before he played (before which he asked whether the door was firmly locked!).

What followed was a brilliant and musically highly rewarding recital of real clarity and panache.

Some of the pieces he played may be familiar to Czerny lovers, but I was a willing new recruit and I'm glad I hung around to hear the full concert.




A treasure trove of creative composition and splendid playing. Marvellous!
Thank you, 4candles!