Woyrsch Symphonies from H. Griffiths

Started by FBerwald, Tuesday 06 August 2024, 04:12

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This might deserve a different thread but if one scrolls down Howard Griffiths' Agenda page, we come upon
10. – 13.07.2023
Württembergische Philharmonie Reutlingen
Aufnahmen für cpo
Symphonien von Felix Woyrsch

Alan Howe

Your wish...

Another very desirable upcoming release. Howard Griffiths seems to be ubiquitous!


Was it here or on some other page that there was speculation on whether the Woyrsch symphony 1 expected to be released sometime on cpo was going to be the c minor already recorded and released on another label backintheday, or the as-yet-unrecorded "actual first" symphony that predates it?... hrm!

Alan Howe

Yes, but we don't know which ones have been recorded here.

cpo already have Nos.2, 3, 4 and 5 in their catalogue, which leaves Nos.1 and 6, plus the early 'Study Symphony.


Andreas Dreibrodt of the Pfohl-Woyrsch-Gesellschaft emailed me some time ago that the C minor (i.e., "No. 1") and D major ("No. 6") symphonies had been recorded, but he didn't know when they'd be released by cpo (hopefully this decade at least). I've heard of no plans regarding the early B-flat minor symphony, but I sent off another email to Dreibrodt today in the hope that he might have more information now. Will report back when he does.

Alan Howe

Thanks, Ilja. So it looks as though Howard Griffiths has recorded Nos.1 and 6, thus completing the numbered canon.


Yes. Makes sense since cpo pride themselves on their boxes of complete works (of a genre). It's interesting to see whether they'll somehow include the youth symphony. I seem to remember that Walter Zielke also prepared the score of Woyrsch' 6th/7th symphony for the recording, so the fact that he's done work on the "0th/1st" may be significant.

Alan Howe

Howard G. has kindly confirmed that he has recorded Nos.1 and 6 for cpo.


Looking for an official website for the conductor just because, not finding one yet, but finding lots of interesting stuff anyway regarding his involvement with multiple orchestras and his wide interests. Thumbs-up.


There is this (Swiss) website, but it doesn't look as though it's been updated in a while.
