Elfrida Andrée – Piano Trio No.2 (Deutschlandfunk Kultur Wed, 14 August)

Started by Wheesht, Tuesday 13 August 2024, 14:29

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For those who understand spoken German

On Deutschlandfunk Kultur tomorrow Wednesday at 22.05 pm CET in their
Spielweisen programme:

Expressive Romanticism - The Boulanger Trio presents the 2nd Piano Trio by Swedish composer Elfrida Andreé
At the microphone: Christoph Schmitz
Elfrida Andrée enters with full force right at the beginning of her 2nd Piano Trio. A passionate outcry in the first bar. A full, loud chord in the piano, and the violin plunges down seven steps from the high G. It continues passionately, as if in a love fever. Complete bliss in the second movement. Joy, wit, radiant happiness in the third and final movement. A breathtaking and constantly surprising work that the Swedish composer wrote down in 1884, when she was barely 40 years old. By then, she had long been a recognised composer, organist, conductor and teacher. She was an extraordinary personality who fought for the emancipation of women in society and for professional success for female musicians. She remains the first female organist at a cathedral church in Sweden, to this day.
The three musicians of the Boulanger Trio will explain all the musical aspects of her 2nd Piano Trio, how it is composed and narrated, in conversation and with numerous musical examples on their instruments in the Deutschlandfunk Chamber Music Hall. After the discussion, they will play the piece. The recording of this programme took place as part of a CD production in cooperation with the Berlin Classics label, which will be released in the next few days. On Monday, 26.8.2024, we will present the CD with all the pieces in our programme "Musik-Panorama".

Alan Howe