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Raff Symphony No.6

Started by Alan Howe, Friday 26 February 2010, 22:40

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Alan Howe

To return to the subject of Raff and his symphonies, I wonder how many friends have a soft spot for Symphony No.6. Listening to the Marco Polo recording under Schneider (rather more expansive than Stadlmair on Tudor) reminds me just what a fertile and creative mind this composer had. This is supposed to be one of his weaker symphonies, and yet it is intensely memorable and exciting, even overwhelmingly so in places in the first, slow and final movements. Fact is, I'd rather listen to weaker Raff than the best stuff by many other unsungs. If you don't know it, it's time to pawn that shirt - again!

Yavar Moradi

Actually this is my current favorite Raff symphony (knocked 8 and 9 off the perch a few months ago when I became super obsessed with it). I like the Tudor much much better than the Marco Polo but I would LOVE to hear Albert's conducting of it if CPO can ever work out a release of that recording.

I just think every movement of this is very strong, particularly the opening (love the tympani) and the march. Avrohom's analysis, available at, made me appreciate it even more. I think it's just brilliant.



Like you say, Alan, Raff's 6 is supposed to be one of his weaker symphonies, but I've never understood this qualification. I simply love this wonderful symphony, full of memorable themes, although I must confess that the final movement is, to my ears, the least strong, although it's called Umworben...


I have always liked symphony no 6 and listen to it often with much enjoyment
. I have never considered it to be one of the weaker symphonies. As a totally committed Raff admirer, I have always liked, mostly in equal measure, ALL the symphonies but if I were asked which symphony I LEAST liked, it would be symphony no 1!



My favourite Raff Symphonies are the 3rd, 5th & 6th. I also like the 1st ,and it is not a bad first symphony (sorry DennisS). The final two are not quite of the same quality as the first  nine, in my opinion, but every one of his symphonies are beautifully constructed with  superb orchestration, and I play them fairly often.


Hurwitz seems to like it too, (No1),and he's pretty fussy,isn't he?

Mark Thomas

Sorry to come late to this. If I'm honest, I had always agreed with the contemporary critics that Raff's 6th was amongst his weaker symphonies and I still do, to some degree, but there's no denying that it's clever. If you read Avrohom Leichtling's commentary on it at the Raff website (here), you'll see just how clever. Its very cleverness works against it because, for me at least, it lacks the directness of appeal which is one of the composer's great hallmarks. Apart from the wonderful, funereal slow movement (so much better from Schneider than Stadlmair, I do agree), it is just so busy.

Alan Howe

It's about time this superb Symphony was given its due:    (Stadlmair recording on Tudor)