Woyrsch: Symphonies 1 & 6 / Woyrsch & Petersen, Violin Concertos

Started by Ilja, Wednesday 27 December 2023, 13:56

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Hi all, this was in the Newsletter I received from the Woyrsch-Pfohl-Gesellschaft (in translation):

QuoteIn March of 2022, Burkhart Schmilgun (cpo) and Andreas Dreibrodt spoke on the phone about the further planning of the CD series with orchestral works by Felix Woyrsch. Both agreed to continue the series, which also includes the violin concerto. A recording is planned for 10 - 14 July 2023 in Reutlingen with the Württembergische Philharmonie Reutlingen and conductor Howard Griffiths. The 1st and 6th symphonies are to be recorded. A cooperation with DeutschlandRadio Kultur (Stefan Lang) was planned. Walter Zielke [who produced performance editions of the concerto and the 6th Symphony, and has his own YouTube Channel, IN] was primarily responsible for the scores and performance materials. Friendly contact was established with the conductor.
The Society website reports that the recordings have taken place:
QuoteThe renowned conductor Howard Griffiths recorded Felix Woyrsch's symphonies nos. 1 and 6 for the cpo label with the Württembergische Philharmonie Reutlingen from July 10th to 13th, 2023. The release date is not yet known. cpo plans to continue the series with orchestral works. The Pfohl-Woyrsch Society supported the production with performance materials and will also be responsible for the booklet.


QuoteThe society promotes the work of Wilhelm Petersen (1890-1957), a composer from Darmstadt who composed tonal music. The society is planning a recording of his violin concerto with the violinist Linus Roth and the conductor Constantin Trinks and would be interested in a coupling with the Skaldic Rhapsody [the subtitle of the Violin Concerto, IN] by Felix Woyrsch.

Unfortunately, I do not know whether the second recording has already taken place and when either is to be released, but I've asked Ellen Pfohl for more information.

Alan Howe

This is all extremely interesting. Thanks very much, Ilja, for sharing the news with us.


I got a follow-up email from the Pfohl-Woyrsch-Gesellschaft:

QuoteThe recordings actually took place as planned and the conductor was very satisfied with the result.

However, I can't tell you when the CD will be released yet. This can take a long time at cpo, as there are always several productions in the pipeline. It also depends on how quickly the PWG can deliver booklet texts, for example (our board member Florian Schuck is responsible for the texts). At the beginning of 2024 I want to call the producer, Mr. Schmilgun, to discuss the progress of our series and also to set a date for last summer's production. From a gut feeling, I would estimate that there could be a release in 2024, but that's just a prediction...

But you can be happy that Woyrsch's Weihnachstkantate was recorded during the performance in December with the very good Würzburg Monteverdichor and the Jena Philharmonic Orchestra and will be posted on YouTube as a video recording in the coming weeks.

Alan Howe

Alan Howe

I don't know whether Petersen's Violin Concerto has already been recorded, but the news is that the (public) premiere is to take place on 23rd March 2025 in the Leipzig Gewandhaus - soloist Linus Roth, conductor Constantin Trinks, with the MDR Symphony Orchestra.
Score: https://www.schott-music.com/de/preview/viewer/index/?idx=MzUzNjY0&idy=353664&dl=0
Stated duration: 50 minutes!


Not impossible - his string quartets, violin sonatas and other chamber music were commercially recorded in LP days, and there are recordings, one commercial, one not, of two of his symphonies, not half so bad for a very little known composer- but I don't know yet either!

Alan Howe

I rather misled you, Eric - apologies. What I meant was that the both the recording and the public premiere of Petersen's VC are to be given by Linus Roth/Constantin Trinks, but that we only have a firm date for the premiere, not the recording. Of course, they may be one and the same event...


I meant "not impossible" that it's been recorded before at some point in the past- I was responding to the wrong comment :). That's on me...