In regards Paul Caro (1859-1914)

Started by eschiss1, Monday 05 February 2024, 18:12

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Alan Howe

I have rarely met such wonderful generosity of spirit in an unfamiliar composer and I'm still wondering whether this was Bruckner's real legacy.

Gareth Vaughan

Quote(there are 183 entries):

Yes, Alan, but only 104 are music scores. The rest are records for works by authors who have "Paul" or "Caro" in their names and have nothing to do with music, as far as I can see. Still 104 is encouraging.

Alan Howe

Oops, apologies. I shouldn't have been speed-searching for the symphonies.

Alan Howe

My copy of the Gramola 2-CD set arrived today. As far as I can judge, Caro really is the stand-out composer featured here. Not that there's nothing else of interest, but Caro's lyricism is so beguiling that it's hard not to be attracted back to his music. I'd be tempted to dub him 'Cantabile Caro', but I suspect someone's already thought of that or something like it.


SPMK has uploaded what appears to be the whole of Hommage à Paul Caro to YT. It's beautiful music.

Martin Eastick

Has anyone here managed to obtain the actual CD issued by SPMK "Hommage à Paul Caro" rather than a download. The link posted here previously seems to take to me to a page showing the artwork (presumably) of the CD in question, but that is far as I can get. Their website doesn't seem to be particularly helpful!


They require payment by bank transfer, the cost is 40.00 Euro, postage included. I can provide bank account details in a PM.


I agree abut the song like character of Caro's music; it's quite lovely. I wonder if he was a string player rather than a pianist given 34! string quartets  (is that right?}. Also listening to short samples his string writing seemed more assured than the piano part to my ears.