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Ries and Dohnányi

Started by Mark Thomas, Friday 11 March 2011, 07:40

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Mark Thomas

Yes, an ill-matched couple I know, but maybe no more so than Cliffe and d'Erlanger.

I wanted to recommend two new CDs I've recently acquired. Firstly cpo's new offering of six overtures by Ries. Whilst I wasn't too excited by the Festival Overture and its associated Victory March (both of them trumpets and cymbals sort of music, if you see what I mean), the other four substantial works are well worth getting. They're all late works, written as the fashion for concert overtures took hold,  and very much echo the power and appeal of the later symphonies. Good, solid expertly written works.

The Dohnányi disc comes from Hungaroton and comprises his youthful Symphony in F (not the First Symphony), his early Zrinyi Overture and the Suite en Valse from much later in his career. The Symphony is a dellight - I defy you not to smile with enjoyment at the work's opening, which moves from Wagnerian horn sonorities to Dvorakian melodiousness in the first page. This opening is the first sound sample here. The rest of the half hour work is just as enjoyable. The Overture is a more robust and forceful piece of work, more late romantic than the Symphony, but just as rewarding. The Suite is a waltz-fest, as you'd expect, but with all that trademark mature Dohnányi wit and sly humour. Great stuff.

Alan Howe

I do urge friends to get hold of the Dohnanyi Symphony on Hungaroton - it's just such a lovely work. No, not a masterpiece, but an astonishing achievement for a composer not yet 20 and with passages of genuine inspiration. I'm listening to the gorgeous flood of melody towards the end of the slow movement as I write this - simply glorious, heartwarming music. Another must-buy (I'm afraid!)


The Dohnanyi sounds like a must have. As to the Ries cd,I notice Hurwitz has given it a rave review. I like the cover too!


I recall that when Hyperion brought out a cd of Dohnanyi's piano concertos they were much derided by some critics - almost unworthy of the Hyperion series, there were similar derisory comments when Chandos recorded the symphonies.  In the light of much of what has been recorded since, these are almost masterpieces of the second tier composers.  Most of Dohnanyi's relatively small out put is worth exploring.


I too would like to praise the new Dohnányi Symphony on Hungaroton. The first movement in particular is absolutely delightful and I can listen to it over and over again, the melody is that memorable!. Indeed, as others have stated, the whole cd is wonderful and is definitely worth buying.



What derisory comments?  The Dohnanyi 2nd PC is one of the most shamefully neglected 20th Century great piano concertos!


Ries piano concertos on Naxos.  Have Naxos abandoned the series or just stalled.  There are No2 Op.42 and No9 Op.177 still to be released and a concertino Woo.88.  Any one know?


I almost feel the urge to start a thread on Dohnanyi, simply to celebrate his transcriptions.

The recording by Katsaris of the Dohnanyi/Delibes is one of the great pianistic moments for me. Sheer and utter joy.

After about 15 hours on the piano, I have almost got it, but nothing like Katsaris.



Naxos' original plan was, if I remember, to release not just the 9 (more?) piano concertos but all Ries' existing piano concertante music, so there might be more CDs than that...


Hough's performance of Dohnanyi's Capriccio in F minor is perhaps the most stunning performance in his "Piano Album" collection.

May I put in another plug for Dohnanyi's second symphony and second violin concerto? These are serious and gorgeous late works.