Rufinatscha 6 to be broadcast by BBC

Started by Alan Howe, Tuesday 15 March 2011, 08:38

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Alan Howe

Rufinatscha's 6th Symphony with the BBCPO under Noseda (i.e. as on the forthcoming Chandos recording) is to be broadcast at approx. 3.05 pm (15.05) on Tuesday 22nd March on BBC Radio 3.

John H White

Sadly, I have an urgent meeting to go to at County Hall, Newport that afternoon in which I hope to speak against a planning application in my village, but I'd be very grateful if someone could make a recording of the performance for me.

Mark Thomas

I'll record it, John. I'd be doing so for myself, naturally.

Thus if a posting comes in at about 3.15 that afternoon, then independently of reading it, you'll know it to be a spam?


Quote from: John H White on Tuesday 15 March 2011, 10:51
Sadly, I have an urgent meeting to go to at County Hall, Newport that afternoon in which I hope to speak against a planning application in my village, but I'd be very grateful if someone could make a recording of the performance for me.

The BBC has an excellent facility to listen to (and make a recording of) its programs during a week after they have been broadcasted. So you can relax and make your own recording.

John H White

Many thanks, Mark, for your kind offer.


I was not allowed to have the radio on at work today.

Do you think I have grounds for constructive dismissal??


Mark Thomas

Industrial Tribunals have cost me thousands over the years.  >:( Work at work, then crank up iPlayer  ;)


can't you still listen to the work via webstream since a week hasn't passed yet? should still be in their archives...



Buried in this thread somewhere, amid all the cryptic quips, I'm hoping someone actually recorded the broadcast? If so, could you send me a note?