I suggest you have a rule which states clearly, that there are to be no personal attacks between members of this forum. If members wish to disagree that is fine, they can state their case withour referring to anyone else. This should be part of the contract on joining this forum.
It is Giles. It just doesn't stop people sometimes overstepping the mark in the heat of the moment. Alan and I try to nip things in the bud, but we can't be on-line all the time and unfortunately we were both away from UC for several hours on this occasion.
The problem seems to be an inability or unwillingness to debate in a robust, but friendly manner. Sometimes it is as if the mere expression of disagreement with someone's cherished opinion is taken as tantamount to a personal attack; sometimes it is as if, in order to express disagreement, a personal attack has to accompany it - as though the only way to win an argument is to put one's opponent down at the same time. All entirely unacceptable and thoroughly frustrating and time-consuming for Mark and myself. The bottom line here is to debate in a respectful manner at all times. Please!
It would seem, however, that this was a dispute between the two parties involved that they imported lock, stock, and two smoking barrels from another forum, where it had apparently been going on for some time.
Quote from: Alan Howe on Tuesday 24 May 2011, 15:10it is as if the mere expression of disagreement with someone's cherished opinion is taken as tantamount to a personal attack
Indeed, I could have taken umbrage (and torn my party-frock) several times at Alan's refusal to share my enthusiasm for Frederic Cowen. ;)
At the end of the day, any group of people who share a passion for anything are never going to agree on the fine detail within that entity. In our case it is unfamiliar music which we believe to have been unjustly neglected and which we would do our utmost to promote. Unfortunately, when passion enters at the door, reason frequently flies out of the window - to echo other Gilbertian quotes which have appeared recently, "Quiet, calm deliberation disentangles every knot". :)
Quote from: JimL on Tuesday 24 May 2011, 17:53
It would seem, however, that this was a dispute between the two parties involved that they imported lock, stock, and two smoking barrels from another forum, where it had apparently been going on for some time.
...which a certain gentleman decided to involve himself in - quite unnecessarily, too. Lesson: leave moderation to the moderators, please.
Quote from: Albion on Tuesday 24 May 2011, 18:06
to echo other Gilbertian quotes which have appeared recently, "Quiet, calm deliberation disentangles every knot". :)
Very well put.