Unsung Composers

The Music => Recordings & Broadcasts => Topic started by: Alan Howe on Friday 19 August 2011, 17:54

Title: Works for cello/piano and orchestra by Dubois
Post by: Alan Howe on Friday 19 August 2011, 17:54
Mirare are bringing out a CD of works for cello/piano and orchestra by Dubois...

http://www.amazon.de/Werke-f%C3%BCr-Cello-Klavier-Orch/dp/B005CM9DUE/ref=sr_1_9?s=music&ie=UTF8&qid=1313772626&sr=1-9 (http://www.amazon.de/Werke-f%C3%BCr-Cello-Klavier-Orch/dp/B005CM9DUE/ref=sr_1_9?s=music&ie=UTF8&qid=1313772626&sr=1-9)
Title: Re: Works for cello/piano and orchestra by Dubois
Post by: Mark Thomas on Friday 19 August 2011, 18:15
Oh, lovely. It'll be a treat. I'm surprised that the French don't make more of Dubois...
Title: Re: Works for cello/piano and orchestra by Dubois
Post by: eschiss1 on Friday 19 August 2011, 18:29
Deleting because that said cello and orchestra (or) piano and orchestra. Gads, I can't read worth beans. (The cello sonata, btw, has been recorded, anycase.) Hrm. These works- maybe new, maybe not, good to have one way or the other I'm sure.
Title: Re: Works for cello/piano and orchestra by Dubois
Post by: Gareth Vaughan on Friday 19 August 2011, 22:49
I can hardly wait...
Title: Re: Works for cello/piano and orchestra by Dubois
Post by: X. Trapnel on Monday 22 August 2011, 21:21
I'm hoping the trickle of Dubois recordings might portend something similar for Andre Gedalge. Still so much tantalizing French/Belgian music lying unheard: Rabaud, Paque, Hure, Fumet, Bordes, d'Ollone, Wittkowski, Rivier, Thiriet, Chailley, Migot; these and the early romantic-impressionist tone poems of Koechlin, the non-Songs of the Auvergne of Canteloube, the rest of Jongen...
Title: Re: Works for cello/piano and orchestra by Dubois
Post by: eschiss1 on Tuesday 23 August 2011, 00:34
not begrudging any of these that I know of, I think some of these have gotten some more recordings than they used to in recent years (some recent CDs of Jongen that I read about come to mind. Will see if I can hear them or some of the other recordings of these that do or soon will :) (I hope, agreed) sometime- maybe at least in excerpts on Klara Continuo Belgium, or more extensively next door on Concertzender...

Anyone heard anything by Henri Dallier? His symphony in F minor @IMSLP looks (to me) interesting. (A tangent, apologies.)
And agreed again re Dubois, for the good fortune of whose music- little of which I know (in sound) yet, though some of whose wind and brass works have already had some success (less competition? ;) ) - I also hope.
Title: Re: Works for cello/piano and orchestra by Dubois
Post by: X. Trapnel on Tuesday 23 August 2011, 04:47
What little I know of Dallier (a handful of organ pieces) lead me to think the symphony (I'm assuming it's orchestral, not organ) could be a real find, maybe something like the Vierne symphony. Does the IMSLP page have a recording? I found only a pdf of the score.
Title: Re: Works for cello/piano and orchestra by Dubois
Post by: eschiss1 on Tuesday 23 August 2011, 17:59
Just the score you found courtesy of Sibley - here (http://imslp.org/wiki/Symphony_No.1,_Op.50_%28Dallier,_Henri%29). Published Fromont, 1908. (At least unlike the Vierne symphony it was published before 1923...) Someone with a lot of time could start extracting the parts, though... I do see a recording of his trio in C minor.
Title: Re: Works for cello/piano and orchestra by Dubois
Post by: X. Trapnel on Wednesday 24 August 2011, 00:09
The recording of the Dallier trio seems to have been available through the Assumption Grotto church in Detroit, which had recorded most of Paul Paray's music, but is not listed on their website.
Title: Re: Works for cello/piano and orchestra by Dubois
Post by: Alan Howe on Thursday 08 September 2011, 22:48
Try some of these extremely attractive excerpts from the new Dubois CD here:
http://www.jpc.de/jpcng/SESSIONID/14b4acb310a945e850299f20f7bd5e58/classic/detail/-/art/Theodore-Dubois-1837-1924-Fantasie-St%FCck-f%FCr-Cello-Orchester/hnum/9816133 (http://www.jpc.de/jpcng/SESSIONID/14b4acb310a945e850299f20f7bd5e58/classic/detail/-/art/Theodore-Dubois-1837-1924-Fantasie-St%FCck-f%FCr-Cello-Orchester/hnum/9816133)
Title: Re: Works for cello/piano and orchestra by Dubois
Post by: Mark Thomas on Friday 09 September 2011, 08:07
It seems as if we are seeing a minor, and very welcome, flood of Dubois recordings in the last couple of years. Nothing I've heard on the recent CDs has been anything other than delightful.
Title: Re: Works for cello/piano and orchestra by Dubois
Post by: Alan Howe on Monday 03 October 2011, 20:29
This is a truly lovely CD. Cellists complain about the paucity of pieces from the 19th century for their instrument, but here is some incredibly grateful, melodious music. The three-movements-in-one Fantasie-Stück is worth the price of the CD alone. If these compositions had the name "Saint-Saëns" on the title page, they'd be concert hall classics...
Title: Re: Works for cello/piano and orchestra by Dubois
Post by: jerfilm on Monday 03 October 2011, 23:19
Looks like those of us in the colonies are going to have scratch again to find a copy of this.  Perhaps itunes will have it

Title: Re: Works for cello/piano and orchestra by Dubois
Post by: edurban on Tuesday 04 October 2011, 02:06
Those interested in Dubois' oratorio Le Paradis Perdu of 1878, will be happy to know that it was revived at Montpellier this year.  A live recording, possibly taken from a radio broadcast, is available here:

http://premiereopera.net/?p=5431 (http://premiereopera.net/?p=5431)
Best, David