Just downloaded an hour-long opera from a BBC broadcast of 1967: The Lake of Menteith by Harold Noble.
A web search has yielded nothing.
Can Albion, or any other knowledgeable Anglophile, enlighten me as to the life & times of the composer and this rather lovely opera?
if dates are a good starting point, we may be dealing with this (http://musicsack.com/PersonFMTDetail.cfm?PersonPK=100142226) Harold Noble, born 1903 Blackpool Lancashire, died by 1953 (but not necessarily in the 1950s - the site maintainer mentions a Variety magazine obituary that mentions the death of the musician sometimes, which may be that of a descendant- if I understand.) (However, Harold Joyce Noble may be who that obituary is for - Harold Joyce Noble (http://viaf.org/viaf/13921255) born in Korea 1903 of missionary parents, died 1953... (see here (http://www.oac.cdlib.org/titles/h.html).)
As to Lake of Menteith, there may be a recording from the BBC broadcast- see here (http://www.operapassion.com/cd8144.html)?
Also- Obituary (http://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/obituary-harold-noble-1183009.html). Dates 3 June 1903-26 October 1998.
(Have sent an email to MusicSack about the misleading obituary notices which are probably for other Harold Nobles, and linked to the right one. One person maintains the whole site, which might be properly called a Herculean task in my honest opinion. (No, not me.))