I need help understanding a German radio announcer who gives details of the music that was just played. I want to make this recording available in the downloads section, but I want to have correct information about the recording.
If you understand spoken German, could you contact me please? I will send you the BRIEF announcement that I need help with.
Many thanks!
You might use the phonetic speech translator in Google..it translates any speech to English.
You can try me. M y last German class was more than fifty years ago but I think I'm still good for musical announcements.
Or send it to me - I am German. For the file: violinconcerto [at] gmx dot de
I believe Alan Howe is a German instructor. Or at least he speaks it well enough to translate just about anything (including Helene Raff's bio of her father). ;D
Since I am German I could help as well, of course.
I might be your best bet - I'm fluent in German and am a freelance translator.
Thank you all for offering your assistance. My sincere appreciation to Britishcomposer, who was able to translate for me. You will soon see a new addition to the German downloads collection!