is anyone aware of an authorized edition of Medtner's opus 39 or specifically the last work in the cycle, the "sonata tragica" opus 39/5 in C minor, in which the recapitulation is taken in full (with second subject)? (Or failing an authorized edition, an edition published in Moscow etc. - some reason not to believe that it wasn't pianist Adam Fellegi's idea to
1) expand the recapitulation
2) shorten the coda
in this one-movement sonata when he recorded it for Marco Polo, generally normalizing the structure of the work? )
Thanks. Not claiming that this is the only thing wrong with his performance- and his performances of the "outer" two of the four works on the CD (sonate-ballade, sonatas opp.38/1, 39/5 and sonate-idylle op.56) are to my ears fairly good really - but if it was his idea to tamper with the score, unmentioned in the notes, substantially, never have been pleased with it really! (Even before hearing Hamelin with the whole opp.38 and 39 cycles. :) )