Unsung Composers

The Music => Composers & Music => Topic started by: edurban on Friday 27 January 2012, 03:06

Title: 2012 Bard Music Festival Fetes Saint-Saens
Post by: edurban on Friday 27 January 2012, 03:06
This summer Botstein and Co. devote 2 weekends to Camille Saint-Saens (and his contemporaries): there will be works for orchestra, chamber ensembles, piano, chorus, and a concert performance on Sunday, Aug. 19 of the opera Henri viiiLe deluge is featured on another program (along with Florent Schmitt's Psalm 47, etc) and the 1st and last symphonies will get an outing.  Either the 4th or 5th piano concerto will be played (the brochure says one thing, the web another) the soloist TBA.

There will also be 5 staged performances of Chabrier's Le roi malgre lui (co-production with Wexford.) 

Here's the link to the Bard Festival webpage:

http://fishercenter.bard.edu/bmf/2012/ (http://fishercenter.bard.edu/bmf/2012/)


Title: Re: 2012 Bard Music Festival Fetes Saint-Saens
Post by: Latvian on Friday 27 January 2012, 20:04
QuoteThis summer Botstein and Co. devote 2 weekends to Camille Saint-Saens (and his contemporaries): there will be works for orchestra, chamber ensembles, piano, chorus, and a concert performance on Sunday, Aug. 19 of the opera Henri viii.  Le deluge is featured on another program (along with Florent Schmitt's Psalm 47, etc)

Wow! Florent Schmitt's Psalm 47 in concert! I do believe an outing may be in the cards, since Bard is only a half hour from my home...
Title: Re: 2012 Bard Music Festival Fetes Saint-Saens
Post by: edurban on Sunday 05 February 2012, 00:20
I understand that online ticket sales for the Saint-Saens festival begin Feb. 13.  However, you must be signed up to receive their emails in order to buy on that date, as this is some sort of pre-sale...
