Unsung Composers

The Music => Composers & Music => Topic started by: JollyRoger on Thursday 02 February 2012, 01:10

Title: Jacques Hetu (1938-2010)
Post by: JollyRoger on Thursday 02 February 2012, 01:10
If you have not heard the music of Jacques Hetu (1938-2010) you are in for a revelation. Born in Quebec, while known in his homeland as one of Canada's greatest composers, surprisingly he is not well known internationally or even in the US and that is a tragedy.  His music is wonderfully crafted, unique and astringent in a marvelous way. There are strong echoes of Frank Martin, and the music also reflects the styles of Henri Dutilleux and Olivier Messiaen, who were his most important teachers. He was quite prolific and has a voice that is uniquely Hetu's.
I first heard his music at the Canadian Music Center site which you may have to join (its free) to listen.
Since he is so prolific and all his orchestral music is of such a high quality, it is difficult to suggest a starting place, but the bassoon, clarinet, organ, flute, or trumpet concertos will suffice..it really dosen't matter, only the audio quality does. as god audio brings out the timbre One of his last works was a glorious tribute to his birthplace and his fifth symphony ended up being a testament  to his life's work.

Concerto pour basson et orchestre de chambre, op. 31

Concerto for organ and orchestra

Concerto pour clarinette

Flute Concerto

Title: Re: Jacques Hetu (1938-2010)
Post by: Latvian on Thursday 02 February 2012, 03:25
I agree -- some really fine music from this composer! The Canadian Music Centre website is fantastic. Lots and lots of "unsungs" here!