Another March release from cpo.
Kaminski's String Quintet from 1916 was arranged for String Orchestra by his pupil Reinhard Schwarz-Schilling in 1927
with the title Werk für Streichorchester. Maybe a student exercise?
It's an extensive work with a duration of approximately one hour.
Which reminds me that a year or so I bought a Naxos CD with three of Schwarz-Schillings' works on it conducted by Serebrier. And I was mightily impressed and have wanted to hear more of him ever since.
But Kaminski is a new one to me. Argh, more debt!
Many thanks Morten - another name to investigate. For good or ill, it is not true at all that there is a finite number of unknown composers!! (And we'd complain if there were - what a dreadul prospect: nothing to explore!)
For further reading about Kaminski there's a decent website run by the Kaminski Gesellschaft. Unfortunately only in German. (
Morten also talks about him in some of their prefaces, and there are some scores of his at IMSLP. Some of his music has (if I may mention- please delete this if not?????) been uploaded here, furthermore... (not his chamber works, which I do hope to hear, as I do those of Dessoff before long, one of which Dessoff said- half or not at all jokingly he expected- well, he expected Brahms to be remembered mostly as his quintet's dedicatee, or something similar.
If I quietly say/mutter/think never be complacent, I'm not just responding to Dessoff and not just to an imagined audience but to myself as well, of course...