Unsung Composers

The Music => Recordings & Broadcasts => Topic started by: Peter1953 on Monday 05 March 2012, 20:28

Title: Ludomir Rózycki Chamber Music from AP
Post by: Peter1953 on Monday 05 March 2012, 20:28
This (http://www.acteprealable.com/albums/ap0253.html) might be an interesting release.
Title: Re: Ludomir Rózycki Chamber Music from AP
Post by: markniew on Monday 05 March 2012, 21:58
yes, defintely. and finally on disc! they were never issued even on LPs.
Title: Re: Ludomir Rózycki Chamber Music from AP
Post by: markniew on Tuesday 06 March 2012, 17:56
One more remark. Perfrormance is going to be very good. Wilanów String Quartet is highly valued and is one of the best string quartets in Poland for years. the same with Jerzy Godziszewski - he has recorded in 90s complete piano music by Szymanowski. 4CD set is available in the Polish Radio shop - http://sklep.polskieradio.pl/Products/519-karol-szymanowski-wszystkie-utwory-fortepianowe.aspx (price is 80 PLN + ca. 20 Euro for 4 CDs!).
Title: Re: Ludomir Rózycki Chamber Music from AP
Post by: markniew on Thursday 08 March 2012, 21:05
I have been told by the owner of Acte Prealable that the two announced news, i.e. Różycki and Żeleński are planned for release before summer so we have to wait a little bit  ;)
Title: Re: Ludomir Rózycki Chamber Music from AP
Post by: Peter1953 on Thursday 08 March 2012, 22:33
Well, we have patience, haven't we?  :D
BTW, is op. 33 a Piano Trio (see the cover) or a Rhapsody (according to the description)??
Title: Re: Ludomir Rózycki Chamber Music from AP
Post by: markniew on Friday 09 March 2012, 21:12
It is Rhapsody op. 33. I have never heard about his Trio. 
Title: Re: Ludomir Rózycki Chamber Music from AP
Post by: markniew on Tuesday 01 May 2012, 21:09
Acte Prealable announces also CD with piano music by Różycki!

http://www.acteprealable.com/albums/soon_ap0263.html (http://www.acteprealable.com/albums/soon_ap0263.html)
Title: Re: Ludomir Rózycki Chamber Music from AP
Post by: Peter1953 on Tuesday 01 May 2012, 21:13
I've just read the news. Hats off for AP!
Title: Re: Ludomir Rózycki Chamber Music from AP
Post by: AnoneeMouse on Wednesday 02 May 2012, 00:11
Re.: World premiere recordings of solo piano pieces by Ludomir Róźycki.

Valentina Seferinova was spotted flying back into Heathrow late last night from Warsaw (has been a big holiday weekend in Poland; prime time to get into the studios of Polish Radio & Television methinks).
Her Facebook page updated today (http://www.Facebook.com/Valentina.Seferinova.1).
Also go http://www.ValentinaSeferinova.com/Latest News
Also go http://www.ValentinaSeferinova.com/CD Recordings - see the 'Coming Soon' panel (has a list of included pieces).
Putting 2 + 2 together - seems the recordings are complete, album artwork done; so just a question of time.

Seems there is a 'taster' at http://youtu.be/QfhrD8CYTjc of 'Balladyna Opus 25'.