Unsung Composers

The Music => Composers & Music => Topic started by: alberto on Wednesday 14 March 2012, 11:13

Title: Unsung Lieder by Draeseke and Ingeborg Bronsart
Post by: alberto on Wednesday 14 March 2012, 11:13
I have bought by chance, as a cheap bargain, the Cd "Genie oblige!" - Franz Liszt Origin, Oeuvre and Legacy in Song. Soprano Wendy Waller, M. Singer piano. Esoteric label Istia (2009 release).
The "legacy" part of the Cd is represented by two Grieg (obviously not unsung), three Draeseke op.2 and two Ingeborg Bronsart. I have found the Draeseke particularly impressive (they don't appear on the web.site of Draeseke discography).
Anyone more expert than me may comment about such Cd?
Title: Re: Unsung Lieder by Draeseke and Ingeborg Bronsart
Post by: Alan Howe on Wednesday 14 March 2012, 11:19
Very interesting: certainly a CD I had not spotted - thanks for pointing it out.
Title: Re: Unsung Lieder by Draeseke and Ingeborg Bronsart
Post by: petershott@btinternet.com on Wednesday 14 March 2012, 11:34
Utterly irrelevant to the thread, and undoubtedly quite old hat to Draeske enthusiasts such as Alan - but I've recently acquired the AK/Coburg discs of Draeseke's string quartets. Wonderful music, and well worth the expense involved in buying these discs.

I've also dispatched my customary e-mails to a few String Quartets who have a repertoire that would be greatly enhanced by the addition of the Draeseke quartets. It did work on one occasion - so fingers crossed!
Title: Re: Unsung Lieder by Draeseke and Ingeborg Bronsart
Post by: Alan Howe on Wednesday 14 March 2012, 15:20
Well, Draeseke's the common thread, Peter! And of course, I'm bound to agree - his string quartets are magnificent pieces.