I would like to point out an innovative season , within the "standard" season of the Orchestra "Giuseppe Verdi" in Milano.
In TEN shortish symphonic programs on Sunday mornings a "major" composer is flanked by two much less performed.
The forum will forgive me -I hope- if i I indicate all the composers, with no period limit (but we end with Korngold and Rozsa):
1) Mozart is flanked by F.X. Richter and Franz Benda.
2) Haydn by Kozeluch and Carl Stamitz
3) Beethoven by Hummel and Salieri
4) Schubert by Clementi and Krommer
5) Ciaicovskj by Arenskj and S.Tanejev
6) Ravel by Hahn and Honegger
7) Bartok by Holst and Canteloube
8) Prokofiev by Casella and Malipiero
9) Stravinsky by Kabalevsky and Gliere
10) Britten by Korngold and Rozsa
Roughly speaking, each composer has 1/3 of the concert time (the "majors" have not the lion's share).
Interesting. I'd particularly like to know what works by Hummel, Clementi, Arensky, Taneyev, Hahn, Glière, Korngold and Rosza have been chosen.
Here the complete programs:
1) F.X. Richter Symphony n.52
F.Benda Flute Concertio in e minor
Mozart Symphony k.183
2) Kozeluch Symphony in G minor op.22 n.3
C.Stamitz Viola Concerto in D major op.1
Haydn Symphony 88
3) Salieri Variazioni su la Follia di Spagna (BTW IMO a substantial work, heard in concert and on record)
Hummel Trumpet Concerto
Beethoven Symphony n.8
4) Clementi Ouverture in D major
Krommer Concerto for two clarinets op.91
Schubert Symphony n.4
5) Arenskj Variayions on a theme by Ciaicovskj
S.Tanejev Duet on "Romeo and Juliet" for soprano, tenor and orch. (1894)
Ciaicovskj Overture 1812
6) Hahn Le bal de Beatrice d'Este
Honegger Cello Concerto
Ravel Ma mére l'oye - suite
7) Holst St.Paul's Suite
Canteloube Chants d'Auvergne selection
Bartok Dance Suite
8) Malipiero Il finto Arlecchino
Casella Scarlattiana
Prokofiev Classical Symphony
9) Kabalevskj The Comedians suite
Gliere Harp Concerto
Stravinskj Jeux de cartes
10) Rosza Overture to a Symphony Concert op26a
Korngold Violin Concerto
Britten Variations and Fugue on a Purcell Theme
What a splendid idea! I went to a concert recently where Brahms' 2nd was followed by Akutagawa's 1st (the latter was much better performed, I felt)
I am now aware that the Milano season I have reported was the 2011/2012 one ( I read about the season in the booklet enclosed to a concert by the "Verdi" orchestra and chorus I attended to yesterday: BTW Berlioz youthful Messe Solennelle, certainly an unsung work).
Now I see thay "special" season 2012/2013. A little different, as the scheme is not always "one major-two less than major".
(for instance in the trio Roussel-Ibert-Poulenc, or in the trio Morton Gould-Rodrigo-Copland).
But the programs are still innovative.
For instance:
- Auber Fra Diavolo overture and Ferdinand David Trombone Concerto flank Mendelssohn Sym. n.4.
- Schumann Introduction and Allegro Appassionato (itself non particularly performed) is sandwiched between Thomas Raymond ov. and Berwald Sym.Singuliere.
-Adam Si j'etais roi ov. and Volkmann Cello Concerto flank Bizet Symphony.
-Three Waldteufel waltzes (not Les Patineurs) and the Conus Violin Concerto flank Rimsky Capriccio.
- Sciostakovich 9 is flanked by Kachaturian Gayaneh Suite 3 and Arutunian Trumpet Concerto.