Unsung Composers

The Music => Composers & Music => Topic started by: eschiss1 on Thursday 20 September 2012, 04:02

Title: About Richard Wetz' first symphony, quick question...
Post by: eschiss1 on Thursday 20 September 2012, 04:02
does anyone else hear a strong hint of the Dresden Amen in the second theme (first movement) of this work (at least in the version that later appears in the trio of the Scherzo, maybe earlier? - same Dresden Amen also used by Mendelssohn in his 5th symphony and Wagner in Parsifal, I mean- ending C-D-Ef-F-F(held) ).
Title: Re: About Richard Wetz' first symphony, quick question...
Post by: chill319 on Saturday 22 September 2012, 21:06
There certainly is a passing resemblance, Eric, both in the rhythmic shape of the phrases you mention and in the general mood of the music there. It's also worth noting that parts of the first theme group feature a descending stepwise phrase, so that this rising pattern could be considered, loosely, an inversion, which balances things out nicely.
Title: Re: About Richard Wetz' first symphony, quick question...
Post by: eschiss1 on Saturday 22 September 2012, 23:50
That makes more sense. Thanks. :)