Did anyone manage to download last night's broadcast on Belgian Radio of Cesar Franck's opera "Stradella"?
My computer froze during the 3rd Act, though I managed to salvage the first two acts of this 1844 juvenalia, written when the composer was 15.
Speaking of young composers, I don't suppose that anyone has anything else but the overture of Arriaga's " Los Escavos Felices"?
According to Wikipedia, only the overture and some fragments of Arriaga's opera have survived. Besides that, the string quartets, the symphony there's at least a dozen other works listed there (I've heard at least one, a concert aria from a broadcast recording if I remember, that was - as good as I'd expect given the four best-known works, that is, quite good indeed :) )
Deutschlandradio Kultur has scheduled this for rebroadcast tomorrow, Saturday 15 December from 7.05 pm CET
http://www.dradio.de/dkultur/sendungen/konzert/1920815/ (http://www.dradio.de/dkultur/sendungen/konzert/1920815/)
I have a copy of the Spanish relay of the Belgian broadcast. I can upload it if there's interest.
That'd be great - thanks!
The HD-video is online until mid-september 2013 on Arte website:
http://liveweb.arte.tv/fr/video/Stradella_Cesar_Franck_Opera_Liege/ (http://liveweb.arte.tv/fr/video/Stradella_Cesar_Franck_Opera_Liege/)
Not for download however (at least officially...)