Unsung Composers

The Music => Recordings & Broadcasts => Topic started by: fahl5 on Monday 24 December 2012, 10:42

Title: First time recordings of Draeseke from klassik-resampled
Post by: fahl5 on Monday 24 December 2012, 10:42
I have just finished my recording of Felix Draesekes four early Concertwaltzes from op.3 & op.4.
You can find the recordings aswell as a downloadable score here (http://klassik-resampled.de/index.php?option=com_content&view=category&id=40&Itemid=309&lang=en)
I hope you like them (at least there is as far as I know no better recording yet ;) )
Title: Re: First time recordings of Draeseke from klassik-resampled
Post by: Alan Howe on Monday 24 December 2012, 15:32
Thanks for the link - and congratulations on the recording.
Title: Re: First time recording of Draesekes four early Concertwaltzes op.3 & op.4
Post by: Mark Thomas on Monday 24 December 2012, 16:00
Many thanks Steffen.
Title: Re: First time recordings of Draeseke from klassik-resampled
Post by: fahl5 on Saturday 23 February 2013, 10:12
To the 100th anniversary of the death of Felix Draeseke (1835-1913) klassik-resampled presents 40 new recordings of mostly never before recorded Works by Draeseke.

Pianomusic: (http://klassik-resampled.de/index.php?option=com_content&view=category&id=40&Itemid=309&lang=en)
Beside the already mentioned Waltzes op 3 + 4 you can hear now also the Waltzes op.5, the Fantasy on Boiledieus La dame blanche op.8, six Fugues for Piano op.15 , 18 Canons รก 6-8 Voci op.42, and 6 "kanonische Ratsel" op.42.
Except the Waltz op.5/1 all other pieces seem to be recorded the first time in the right instrumentation. (there have been only two recordings with arrangements for other instruments before: the Fugues op.15 recorded with an Organ and the "kanonischen Ratsel" op.42 recorded arranged for Strings)

Orchestral music: (http://klassik-resampled.de/index.php?option=com_content&view=category&id=104&Itemid=400&lang=en)
Beside the already mentioned symphonic poem Frithjof you can hear the Easterscene op 39 for Bariton, Choir and Orchestra, the Jubilationoverture op.65 aswell as the Overture to the Opera "Herrat WoO 13 (transkribed by a member of the international Draeseke Sociaty), Faust sung to sleep for Choir and Orchestra WoO 32, the Parzengesang for Alto and Orchestra WoO 33 transkribed by myself from the slub-manuskripts. (None of this orchestral works has been recorded afaik before).

(As you will see I was impudent enough to work with sampled Choir and soloists which meanwhile one of course will notice enough shortcommings of their abilities, imho still help to give at least a first impression of those up to now never heard befor music. I hope therefore you might excuse my impudents to even work with digital soloists ;)

The scores are linked mostly with the recordings.
I hope you like this wonderful music.
best Fahl5
Title: Re: First time recordings of Draeseke from klassik-resampled
Post by: Alan Howe on Saturday 23 February 2013, 12:24
Again, we are in your debt, Steffen. Thank you.
Title: Re: First time recordings of Draeseke from klassik-resampled
Post by: jerfilm on Saturday 23 February 2013, 15:29
I tried to listen to he Overture but could not make it work.  IE seems to recognize the green play button but nothing happens.  Firefox doesn'l seem to even like the button- clicking on it produces nothing.

Perhaps i'm missing something.  Wouldn't be the first time...... :) :)
Title: Re: First time recordings of Draeseke from klassik-resampled
Post by: fahl5 on Saturday 23 February 2013, 16:00
If you speak about the Herrat-Ouverture, be sure to either wait a moment or have your loudspeaker turned loud (this is not so recommendable since short after the very quite first drumrolls a FF-Tutti follows). I have checked both Overtures (Herrat and Jubilation) working quite well in FF as in IE, Safari, Chrome and Opera. Please try it again and let me know, if the Problems  persist.
Title: Re: First time recordings of Draeseke from klassik-resampled
Post by: eschiss1 on Saturday 23 February 2013, 16:55
SLUB doesn't have a monopoly on interesting Draeseke, I see- Karlsruhe has the overture to Gudrun and the vocal score too... Landesbibliothek Coburg, unsurprisingly! also has a couple things scanned... IMSLP has a few things uploaded from a few different sources, and I'm sure there's some more of his music in the queue of some of the thankfully increasing number of libraries doing yeoman's work scanning... (appreciated, appreciated.)
Title: Re: First time recordings of Draeseke from klassik-resampled
Post by: Alan Howe on Saturday 23 February 2013, 20:39
Herrat seems to work OK with Firefox...
Title: Re: First time recordings of Draeseke from klassik-resampled
Post by: rosflute on Sunday 24 February 2013, 08:05
Congratulations - these are excellent recordings. Keep up the good work :)