Unsung Composers

The Music => Recordings & Broadcasts => Topic started by: musiclover on Sunday 23 June 2013, 17:47

Title: Jean Michel Damase
Post by: musiclover on Sunday 23 June 2013, 17:47
I've heard that the BBCSO are in the studio next week with Martin Yates to record the Symphony, Piano Concerto and Flute Concerto by the wonderful French composer Damase. I haven't found out who the soloists are but if it is Yates then it will be almost definitely for Dutton. I can't wait. I am also worried...is Yates going to give up on British music? I hope not! Does anyone know anything about this Damase recording?
Title: Re: Jean Michel Damase
Post by: Mark Thomas on Sunday 23 June 2013, 18:06
Damase's dates (1928-2013) don't on the face of them indicate a composer whose music falls within UC's scope. How would you categorise his style?
Title: Re: Jean Michel Damase
Post by: JeremyMHolmes on Sunday 23 June 2013, 18:22
I do have a CD of his piano music (Somm) and also of his chamber music (ASV), and their is a pretty accurate summary of his style on the Damase web site:


Good news on the new recording IMHO, and I think it's a cert that it will be on Dutton.
Title: Re: Jean Michel Damase
Post by: JeremyMHolmes on Sunday 23 June 2013, 18:23
oops, "there" not "their"...don't know how that crept in!!
Title: Re: Jean Michel Damase
Post by: petershott@btinternet.com on Sunday 23 June 2013, 18:34
A few years ago I heard a work for string trio, harp and flute. It was a good professional performance but sadly I wasn't too impressed with the work. Yes, I know, unfair to judge a composer by one work. I'm open-minded, but I'm pretty sure Damase's compositions are rather removed from the UC romantic works that are the focus of our forum. Maybe I'm wrong.

What puzzles me a little is why you call the composer "wonderful" (and I'm not disputing that), and say you "can't wait" to hear these works, but give no indication at all of what they are like or why indeed you can't wait to hear them. Do say a bit more!
Title: Re: Jean Michel Damase
Post by: musiclover on Sunday 23 June 2013, 19:03
Well, I say he's a wonderful composer, because having heard a few of the flute works and also the flute and harp works I think he is a rather wonderful composer, albeit in that rather whimsical French way. I don't know if his music for forces larger than chamber music will be as good as the chamber music that I've heard, but here's hoping. I was trying to find out if the symphony has ever been played. Sad if it wasn't as Damase only recently died didn't he?
Title: Re: Jean Michel Damase
Post by: Alan Howe on Sunday 23 June 2013, 20:19
Damase's music falls way outside the scope of UC, I'm afraid, so I'm locking this thread. Contributors are reminded that they should check with us first concerning composers like Damase, i.e. before posting. The crucial section in our guidelines reads as follows:

The focus of UC has now shifted to being solely about romantic music but previous posts about music in later styles have not been deleted, so do not rely on the fact that a composer or piece of music has been discussed previously as an indication of eligibility now.  Please do not post about composers or compositions which clearly fall outside our definition of "romantic". Your post will not be approved. If you are in any doubt, and in any event if the music was written after 1918, please email or PM a moderator before posting.