To be broadcast by Deutschlandradio Kultur
Thursday, 27th March 2014, 8pm:
Paul von Klenau
Symphony No.9
(First performance)
Paula Murrihy, mezzo soprano
Danish Radio Chorus
Danish Radio Symphony Orchestra
c. Michael Schønwandt
Konzerthaus Kopenhagen
Recording made 20th March 2014
More information here: (
I'm assuming - and hoping - that this will be along the lines of his other very Brucknerian works.
I posted this at the Art Music Forum but shirked from posting it here. After all, Klenau adopted 12-tone-technique in his later works (though he did it in way which doesn't eschew tonal effects.)
Well, we'll see. If I've got this wrong, I'll be eating very humble pie...
Well, since it's a world premiere of (I believe) an unpublished work, so all I can suggest is listen first, worry later- erm- or something. (That doesn't sound right. Never mind!)