Unsung Composers

The Music => Composers & Music => Topic started by: JimL on Friday 23 May 2014, 01:39

Title: Reznicek: Benzin
Post by: JimL on Friday 23 May 2014, 01:39
A perusal of the plot synopsis indicates that it was lifted from the Circe episode in Homer's Odyssey!
Title: Re: Reznicek: Benzin
Post by: BerlinExpat on Friday 23 May 2014, 23:40
Precisely. The programme states that the basis for the opera was a 1920s version of Homer's Odysseus-Circe Episode assimilated with Calderon de la Barca's Love, the Greatest Enchantment (1635).

Curiously, my 1980 Grove lists a Eros and Psyche premiered in 1917. There's no such opera by Reznicek and I assume Grove have confused it with Ludomir Rozycki's opera of the same name that was premiered as stated in Grove.

Grove also lists 2 one-act operas: Spiel oder Ernst? and Tenor und Bass. I suggest they are identisch as the plot of Spiel oder Ernst? evolves around the relationship between a soprano, tenor and bass during the rehersals to Rossini's Othello.  Neither Felicitas Reznicek nor Leopold Nowak mention a possible revision under an alternative name for Stockholm in 1934 as mentioned in Grove.