Just treated myself to this 5-cd set on Tactus (TC 771960). Price is rather prohibitive, but I can't resist any release with Spontini's name on it.
1. Considering the price you would think that the set would come with texts/translations. It does not.
2. Considering the price you would think that the packaging would consist of more that 5 individual cardboard sleeves (that contain the cds) housed within a rather lightweight box. It does not.
3. Considering the price you would think that tenor Alessio Tosi would take a bit of care with his erratic intonation. He does not.
Had I known all of this beforehand would I have made yes purchase? Yes. The music is undeservedly neglected, and quite beautiful - and perhaps this release will, in some small way, help to restore the reputation that GS once enjoyed.
One unexpected bit of information I learned from the notes was that Spontini and Thalberg enjoyed a friendship in Paris in the late 1840s. Which is pretty cool.
Wagner/Berlioz/Thalberg cannot be wrong. Now here's hoping that Nurmahal, Alcidor, and Pelage are resurrected - at least to disc - soon.