Eduard Schutt Born 22.10.1856 St Petersburg Russia Died 26.7.1933 Merano Austria (now Italy)
His parents were Austian, residing in Russia. He studied at The St Petersburg Conservatory under Petersen and Stein and furthered his studies in Leipzig with Jadassohn, Reinecke and E F Richter.. He moved to Vienna in 1879 where he persued a career as composer, conductor and pianist.
Piano Concerto 1 in G minor Op.7 1883 4 hand piano version pub. by Fritzsch
Piano Concerto 2 in F minor Op.47 pub. by N Simrock 1896
Paraphrase for piano and orchestra 1929
Serenade in D minor for strings Op.6
Piano Quartet in F minor Op.12 pub. by Rahter
Piano Trio in C minor Op.27 pub. by Rhater
Piano Trio in E minor Op.51 pub. by Simrock
Walzer-Marchen for violin, cello and piano Op.54 pub. by Simrock
Five tone pictures (Episoden) for violin, cello and piano Op.72 also for piano solo pub. by Simrock
Violin Sonata in G Op.26 pub. by Rhater
Suite No.1 in D minor for violin and piano - four movements Op.44 pub. by Rhater
Suite No.2 in E major for violin and piano - four movements Op.61 pub. by Simrock
Suite no.3 in A minor for violin and piano Op.86 pub. by Simrock
'Midinet' for violin and piano 1923
Arioso for cello and piano Op.33
Fantasie for cello and piano in A Op.63 pub. by Simrock
Nocturne in A major Op.5
Five pieces: Humouresque, Ariette, Minuet, Intermazzo, Waltzin G flat major Op.8
Variations on an original theme in G minor for two pianos Op.9 1882
Three concert paraphrases on Johann Strauss ll waltz motives: Fledermmmaus Waltzer, Kuss Waltzer, Geschichten aus dem Weiner Wald Op.10
Lose Blatter: twelve pieces
Three Morceaux for piano: Idyll, Melancolie, Romance-Gantasie Op.15
Two pieces, Etude mignonne , Valse mignonne Op.16
Scenes de Bal four pieces: Gavotte-Humoresque, Valse lente, Polks rococo, Mazurka Op.17 1886
Six Morceaux: Humoresque, Poeme d'Amour, Scherzino, Chanson triste, Arabesque, Valse Op.20
Three Romances Op.21
Paraphrases on Brahms' Lullaby
Paraphrases on Brahms' song 'Vergebliches Standchen'
Bluettes en forme de Valse Op.25
Three morceaux: Capriccioso, Canzonetta, Scerzino Op.28
Theme, variations and fugue Op.29
Miniatures: Prelude, Aveu, Pappillons, Cantabile, Barcarolle, Cantique d' amour, Impromptu-finale. Op.30 1888
Five morceaux: Bluette, Feufollet, Intermezzo, Reverie, Scherzino-Humoresque Op.31 1889
Silhouettes - Seven portraits Op.34
Eight Preludes: Festivo in E minor, Allegretto in G major, Patecici in C minor, Alla burlesca in A flat major, Lento in E flat major, Grazioso in G minor, Dolce in D major, Energico e murcanto in D minor Op.35 written for Helen Hopekirk
Poesies d'Automne five pieces: Vision d'Automne, Au Village, Cantique d'amour, Valse Champetre, Epilogue, Op.36
Three morceaux: Serenade Pastorale, Ariette, A la Humoresque Op.37 1893
Three morceaux: Pizzicato-valse, Romance, Humoresque Op.38 1893
Three intermedes; Cavatina, Impromptu-Mazur, Dans Caracteristique. Op.40
Eight Pele-Mele: En Campagne, Solitude, Petite serenade, Arrivec du Prince Charmant, Preamble du Bal, Pas Lent, Un peu coquette, Finale Op.41 1894
Causeries-Bal. Invitation a la valse, Romance d'amour, Un peu baroque, caprice Op.45
Scenes Champetres four pieces: Dans la Cabane, Dans la Prarie, Au bois, Au Village Op.46
'Carnival Mignon' Scenes Pantomimiques: Preamble, Serenade d'Alequin, Tristesse de Columbine, Polichinelle, Pierrot Reveur, Caprice-Sganarelle Op.48
Poesies - nine pieces: Jours Liontains, Premiere Solitude, Printemps oublie, Caprice slave, Chagrin d'Automne, Souvenir Valse, Pensee perdue, Reverie, Au Ruisseau Op.55
Souvenirs Lyriques - six pieces Op.56
Two pices for two pianos Op.58 1899
'Papillons d'amour' five pieces Op.59 1900
Pour Tous les Ages sixteen pieces:A la nuit, Tendre Soupir, Menuet de la petite marquise, Un mot d'amour, En Campagne, Serenade du Village, Moment de tristesse, Solitude, Un tour de valse, Au Rouet, Silence des bois, Bourlesque Orientale, Valsette, En bercant, Jour fuyanta, Adieu. Op.60
Theme and variations Op.62 1901
Souvenir Valses five pieces piano four hands Op.64
Pages Intimes six pieces: Fuillet d'album, Une pensee, Similie-valse, Lettre d'amour, Solitude, Petites arabesques. Op.68 1903
Impressions five pieces Op.71 1904
Une larme est un sourire Op.80
Vignattes six pieces Op.83
Promenades twelve pieces: Petite Passante, Au bois, Expression d'amour, Au Champ, Fillette triste, Fripon et Friponne, Doux Printemps, Souvenir liontine, Comme autrefois, Poesie, Paysage in time, Gai retour. Op.88
Deux Humouresques Miniatures Op.90
Romance Appassionato Op.91
Theme and variations Op.95 1914
Russian folk song piano four hands
Six Lieder Op.4
1 Lebewohl 2 Morgenlied 3 Nachtreise 4 Abreise 5 Einkehr 6 Heimkehr
Three Lieder Op.11
1 Zu deinen Fussen will ich ruh'n 2 Minnelied: Unter der Linde auf der Haide 3 O susse Mutter, ich kann nicht spinnen
Five Lieder Op.18
Wst steht eine Linde im tiefen Thal 2 Im Grase thaut's 3 Alle Blumen mocht' ich binden 4 Wuchsen mir Flugel 5 Im Abendroth der Himmel gluht
Three Lieder Op.19
Zu der Rose 2 Weigenlied 3 Ich ging in Wald durch Kraut und Gras
Four Lieder Op.22
1 Schliesse mir die Augen beide 2 Abenlied der Mutter 3Denk' an mich 4 Ueber dem Busche der Rose
Four lieder Op.23
1 Ich schlage dich, mein Tamburin 2 Lieber Hirt, zarter Jungling 3 Auf meinem Lager wach'ich in der Nacht 4 Wozu mir sein Solte das Haar!
Ten Love songs Op.57
Four Lieder Op.74
1 Geh'fort 2 Jungster Fruhling 3 Rose im Schnee 4 Liebesfrage
Signor Formica - comic opera based on E T A Hoffmann story 1893
You have a fair bit missing old chap.
Please refer to the entry in Pazdirek as scanned by the musicologist Luca Caprotti.ütt_-_000_-_Pazdirek.pdf (
Knowing that lists on their own carry a 15 year ban, I would like to add that when I could be bothered to practice, I used to have Schutt's rather over elaborate transcription of Brahms Lullaby in my repertoire.
His Strauss transcriptions were beyond me and bore a similar craft to Friedmann. Thankfully lacking the rather tiresome web weaving of Godowsky.
Hopefully, someday, someone is going to record all of these.
There were rumours on this forum about a year ago that someone was preparing to record the piano concerti.... Is there any update on that?