Unsung Composers

The Music => Recordings & Broadcasts => Topic started by: jdperdrix on Friday 14 November 2014, 18:04

Title: French piano quintets to be released
Post by: jdperdrix on Friday 14 November 2014, 18:04
Seen on qobuz.com: http://www.qobuz.com/fr-fr/album/quintettes-pour-piano-et-cordes-jean-pierre-wallez-yoe-miyazaki-henri-demarquette/3610159542176 (http://www.qobuz.com/fr-fr/album/quintettes-pour-piano-et-cordes-jean-pierre-wallez-yoe-miyazaki-henri-demarquette/3610159542176)

Franck's in F minor (1879) is very well known. Vierne's masterpiece in C minor (1917) is beginning to be part of the classics. Saint-Saëns's op. 14 (1855) is an early work. While Widor's in D minor op. 7 (1868?) is already available on Naxos, his D major op. 68 (1894) is an absolute rarity!

Only streaming is announced for December 15... Will it be available for downloading, will it ever be published in physical format or for downloading anywhere else? I couldn't find any information on the web...
Title: Re: French piano quintets to be released
Post by: semloh on Friday 14 November 2014, 22:29
Oooh, nice! Definitely another one to add to the list.  :)
Title: Re: French piano quintets to be released
Post by: mjmosca on Sunday 16 November 2014, 12:54
Thank you for the heads up! The Saint-Saens is a wonderful work though rarely heard (a fine performance on Naxos, with the indispensable Piano Quartet op.41; conversely the Nash Ensemble's performance on Hyperion is a huge disappointment- sounds like a rehearsal run through). The performers listed for this new release are all excellent. The Vierne and Widor are excellent pieces too. Their great fame as organ composers has relegated their chamber works to the side; so pleased they are being investigated by this fine group of musicians.
Title: Re: French piano quintets to be released
Post by: eschiss1 on Monday 17 November 2014, 03:05
Hrm. I know of only one recording of each of Widor's quintets, not counting this one. Now I know of two of the D major quintet (no.2). That would make the D minor quintet Op.7 the rarity, unless I missed something, as often happens...

Admittedly, the recording of the op.7 quintet was on Marco Polo/Naxos, which has much better distribution than SNE, a label I'm not even positive I'd heard of. (The earlier, 1995-released, recording of the Op.68 quintet was coupled with Vierne's quintet, interestingly...)
Title: Re: French piano quintets to be released
Post by: jdperdrix on Monday 17 November 2014, 08:48
Technically, you're right. Widor's D major quintet is available by Globenski and le Quatuor Laval, coupled with Vierne's. It's still available (see http://www.amazon.com/Quintette-Op-42-68/dp/B000005KHM (http://www.amazon.com/Quintette-Op-42-68/dp/B000005KHM)) or inquire directly at Université Laval, Québec. The other release is by Viotta Ensemble, with an interesting coupling including Bréville's cello sonata and three pieces for trio by Pierné. I had difficulties getting this one. Amazon said it was out of press, jpc.de took my order before telling me after two weeks that it was unavailable from the publisher. I finally got it very fast from the publisher itself: http://www.ottavo.nl/cdshop_top/cdshop/variousstrings.html (http://www.ottavo.nl/cdshop_top/cdshop/variousstrings.html).
Now the D minor is widely available by Ilona Prunyi and the New Budapest Quartet on Marco Polo/Naxos, on CD, for downloading or on streaming.
Title: Re: French piano quintets to be released
Post by: eschiss1 on Monday 17 November 2014, 18:27
Didn't know of the one with Bréville's cello sonata.  Have looked a little into Bréville after seeing a few of his works on IMSLP - if I recall, his viola sonata (a rip of a commercial recording of it) is on YouTube and seems an intriguing work in score (if I recall, again...) (Oy. Blanc, Boisdeffre, Bréville, three Bs of French mid (Blanc)-to-late-19th/early-20th century chamber music, or not, ... erm. Anyway! :D )
Title: Re: French piano quintets to be released
Post by: jdperdrix on Monday 17 November 2014, 19:42
You can find various works of Bréville on CD. The first violin sonata in c sharp minor is available by Graffin and Devoyon on Hyperion coupled with Canteloube's Dans la Montagne. Two violin sonatas have been recorded by Galperine and Fallour on a small publisher called l'Algarade. I found it on qobuz.com in streaming and download. The viola sonata by Dann and Parker released by the excellent Québécois publisher ATMA, in an interesting coupling with Koechlin's sonata op. 53 and Tournemire's suite op. 11. The cello sonata has been released as mentioned previously. The complete works for cello and piano by Bréville by Deleury and Siciliano have been released under label Mis and is marked unavailable on Amazon.
Title: Re: French piano quintets to be released
Post by: Aramiarz on Monday 17 November 2014, 20:07
These label is in France? May be amazon.fr
Title: Re: French piano quintets to be released
Post by: jdperdrix on Wednesday 17 December 2014, 12:46
It does not seem to be available as physical CDs, but only for downloading or streaming.
It's now on Qobuz, Amazon.fr (but not amazon.com) and also Spotify. Maybe elsewhere... Look for Widor and Wallez.
Title: Re: French piano quintets to be released
Post by: Gooseguy on Wednesday 17 December 2014, 16:43
Hi all -

This also appears to be available now for download in the US on Emusic.com at single cd rate, making it a pretty good bargain.

Title: Re: French piano quintets to be released
Post by: Wheesht on Wednesday 17 December 2014, 16:56
It is referred to as a 'coffret' With 3 CDs (playing time 150') on various French websites, but nowhere that I have seen is there any information on how to obtain the physical discs (for those like me who usually prefer to have 'something in their hands')
Title: Re: French piano quintets to be released
Post by: eschiss1 on Wednesday 17 December 2014, 20:59
Suggestion: download from the site, and burn the result (unless, iTunes-style, one can't...) onto CD-Rs? One will lack program notes and a CD back cover, but one can create them on one's own after a bit of (fun, imhonesto) research...

I know that reads like a flip suggestion, but I make it in seriousness (assuming one has access to a CD-R recording device... one's built in to my computer, e.g.) - I don't get why one can't do that, except for downloads that are protected from user copying of any kind for even the most legitimate reasons. Amazon downloads aren't so protected, for instance...