Does anyone know Freyhir, subtitled 'Poème Lyrique et Symphonique', dating from 1883 by Emile Mathieu (1844-1932)?>> (
My copy of this CD arrived today and I am thoroughly enjoying listening to this slice of French-style Wagner (for want of a better description). I am reminded just how far those composers who were influenced by the New German school were departing from their more classically-minded colleagues at this time. To think that Freyhir is roughly contemporary with Brahms 3 is quite a thought! Two more different pieces of music it would be hard to imagine...
BTW the choral writing is stunningly beautiful. The weakest parts (although well sung on the recording) are undoubtedly the vocal recitatives, although they undoubtedly serve to set off the really lovely orchestral/choral sections.
I've scoured the net looking for a download of this piece. The only trace of it I can find is one CD at Amazon France for approximately US$23 plus shipping. Not sure I want it THAT badly.