Unsung Composers

The Music => Recordings & Broadcasts => Topic started by: musiclover on Tuesday 13 January 2015, 19:46

Title: Bortkiewicz on Dutton
Post by: musiclover on Tuesday 13 January 2015, 19:46
I've just heard from a friend in the RSNO that they spent the last few days recording the Bortkiewicz Violin Concerto and Othello with Martin Yates. Presumably this is for Dutton Epoch. My friend said it sounded fantastic and that the Russian soloist in the concerto was sensational. Hopefully if it is Dutton they will turn it around quickly and get it out for all of us Bortkiewicz fans!
Title: Re: Bortkiewicz on Dutton
Post by: Alan Howe on Tuesday 13 January 2015, 20:05
Fantastic news! I wonder whether the soloist is Sergey Levitin, as on the new Widor CD?
Title: Re: Bortkiewicz on Dutton
Post by: Mark Thomas on Tuesday 13 January 2015, 22:08
Jolly good news.
Title: Re: Bortkiewicz on Dutton
Post by: Christopher on Wednesday 14 January 2015, 11:20
A great start to 2015!
Title: Re: Bortkiewicz on Dutton
Post by: musiclover on Wednesday 14 January 2015, 13:15
Alan, a good call. Apparently it is Sergey Levitin. My friend at the RSNO said he is superb so this looks like it is going to be quite worth looking forward to.
Title: Re: Bortkiewicz on Dutton
Post by: Alan Howe on Wednesday 14 January 2015, 14:00
Thanks for the info. It's great to have such an adventurous and able violinist...
Title: Re: Bortkiewicz on Dutton
Post by: Richard Moss on Wednesday 14 January 2015, 14:25
Particularly, given comments in other earlier threads by Gareth, Giles, Alan, Adriano et al about the costs of putting a CD together, it's very pleasing that Dutton are able to, and do, take the time and trouble over producing unsung works such as these (I would argue that although Bortkiewicz is not a complete unsung composer, these works are).

Even though I have the UC downloads of these works in my library, this looks like (yet) another reason to bust the overdraft!

Que sera and let's hope for an early release.



Title: Re: Bortkiewicz on Dutton
Post by: Aramiarz on Saturday 17 January 2015, 03:14
Excellent new, I hope soon the cello concert!
Title: Re: Bortkiewicz on Dutton
Post by: musiclover on Wednesday 21 January 2015, 08:16
Perhaps we should at least write to Dutton to ask them to consider the other remaining in recorded works. When I spoke with Lewis Foreman, who does rep suggestions for Dutton, he said that mostly Martin Yates suggests the rep he wishes to conduct with Dutton, so maybe we should make suggestions to Martin....
Title: Re: Bortkiewicz on Dutton
Post by: Christopher on Friday 27 March 2015, 11:32
Does anyone know of the planned release date for this?